37() · Thetentli Comm4nrlement. ~ in the midAofour abundance: but ifour heart.be good' and ·reformed., we ~allliue quietly, and d~e bleffediy, in what– foeuer.houfe or placewe liue or dio. · Norhu Wife. J wiues THis is addedas the next chiefe thing,in defiringwhereb•ugdhtto1 ofour neie.hbour is grieuouO" wronged.So that hence I! ea•e 'I ..., . J belouad orwee may gather, taat the w1fe ought tobeemore deare to i!eidhw$· sne~ then all their fubllance .. SoProU.I9• 14. H_oufe andrin_s. ches are the inheritanceoft!Jt Fathers: /?ut aprudent Wtfecom– meth ofthe Lwd. Houfe and riches alfo are the giftsofGod: but hemean~th, agood wife is amore fpeciall,.immediate, _.l' and excellent gift. As Prouerbs 3I .I o• eAvertllo.IUwoman ·~· u moreprtciom tbtlJ pearlt.r.And fo it is writtet:t that ~da'l11J was not in his full happines, till God had giuen himEuab, who was bellewed on him,as the (pedall outward cosnfort; ·and bywhofe louing fociety, .hee might bt'e helped ey~ry w:ty. Men therefore mufl hence Iearne to tugke account of their wiues, more then ofanyearthly thing befides. For fi1e 'is S~lhofhis fldh, a part of himfelft"; :and :a member ;ofhis body.:which cannot be fa id ofapan!nt,or child,or brother 1 or.any-kindred. And fhee rnav (!veil bee valued abbue -the pearle·s. For no Iew.els can do~ that go9o, that· a good wife ·cana-nd cloth. For if hce haut gricfe within·, or bufineffc or ·_troubles in.his out\~1 ard eHace, ·,;the;rthings' be dumbe·; and cannot help~ hitn: hut !he cail refrdh .his, foule with .good counfell, ouerfee· his .bufiridf~hi wifed()_ri,l~,_helpe his body -in and ~gaiotl fickndfe ·antHiifirl'll-icy, an'd incourage'him in ·his calling, andbee a ilay ~nd fu .. csour to. ~~m in all t~ing~. Therefore alfo thofe bee mofl miferable and bafem1nded men, that fet their de lite fo much ypon the ·putward thi·ngs ·ofthe world, that it their wifeanclrheir we~lth were laide in -the ballanc~ toge(her, ·they i;riuld foon(r part with re·n wiues one after another, ,then lofe their filthie lucre a~d w~rl?Iy cQmtnoditie.They w~uld thinke it an iniuri~ in the w1fe,sfihe lhould chufe rather to haue her husbanddte,then ~erwealth to bee t.a~en from her. ,And \"hy theQ doe they beare this vnnaturall .affection towarus ner? Therefore":'en lhould