Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

Tht teTJth Comm~Jtmtnl. 371 tbould pray God togiue them that heart and minde, that they may performe.all due honor and beneuolence to their wiues. Forifthey loue not at home, they willluet abroad: and iflhe haue not her allowance, others ihall haue more then their allowance. And it confutes thofe that make it fo light to wronganother in_his wife, which is an iniurie ofthe · greatell hurt, and an eficnce of moll bitter griefe. Many that would bee atbamed to fleale ones horfe, or picke his purfe; yet thinke it no great thing to abufe the wife: which . of all other robberies is the worH. Ocher goods ~re, to a good husband, .butas du!t and chatfe in comparifon ofher• . And ic wouldmore grieue hirn, and bee a greater indignitie tohaue her defiled, then to fee all his ft:tbflance fpoiled and · confumed. Wmes alfo mufl learne fo faithfully to carrie themfelues, that they may bee wouhic this place and efii- 'mation. For, howfoe1,1er her ill dealing 'mufi not free him · from his dtnie; yet fhee lhall bee fo nlUch the more faulcie and worthie ofpunHhment, ifbeing appointed for fo great an helpe, a~d recehaing from him fo greatloue, fi1ee bee ra.. ther a difcon1fort and hinderance, then anhelpe and cornfort vnto him. Now it falloweth; Nor hio mau ftrua,t, nor :· bumaidforuant . In the next;placeGod fets downe the feruants before the ·cattell or anyother wealeh. Whence wee Struan•b· 1 1 h k fh . r l'lloreto e earne t :1at a man oug t to ma e more account o ts 1er- aecounted uants then ofanyother goods; becaufe God alwaies makes ofthen ri· · . k ' f k' d h · f h d ches. n1ore rec onmg o .roan_m t eno ot er creatures, an we Exod.p·•· tnuft dkcme thii~gs as God values them. Now in the olde ·Jaw, thofe that {h~~d ·fieale any' other thing, were not to · fuffer death for it,but to re!lore fourefCJld.But he that !hould fieale n1cn, .(as then fome wicked men would, becaufc -thcy could fell them for {hues to their great adoantage) hee was · to die for it. So that wee fee, Ged prefcrrcs a feruant before ·a be3fl, therefore alfo our iudgemet and ellimacionough~ lo~ 3 ,, 1 , •., . to bee conformable vnto his. So /o~ faith that hee would , · · heare his feruant, and giue_swithall a fin gular reafon for the · fame; .He that .rnade me ill thewombe,did he not makehim? ·. fo that both wetc .made·in the wotnbe, both had onena-· ture., one Creator., andRedecmcre In all the former rcfpe8s . .. . · . there ·