Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

371 . T ht tmth Commandement. : t~ere i~ no difference ofbondorfree : But there ir an cqua; l1tybetweene the feruant and the mafler. The feruant ifhee be eletl-,and holy,hath as much right in theblood ofChrill oal.3•18. and lhall haue as good a part ofthe gloryofChritl in hea~ uen, as the mafler. And therefore he is.muchmore exccllent,and to be fet fat aboueall other goods. Likewife they are the moll profita• blegoods, and in that regard to bee lflorehighly el~eemed. ·For ifonehad neuer fo manycattle,andno looke to them, they would bring himmuch trouble, and little gaine. Ifonehad in his poffeffion neuer fo much Ia1~d, and none to manure and husband it orderly, it wouldyecldhim noco-mmodity.Therforema!lers mufllearne tohaue agreat care ofthem, and fee moreby them thenby thebeaAes, and no·t tobe iniurious vnto them, though they feeme neuer fo bafe. Fo·r, the mofl contemptible feruant in the,world, is of moreworthbynatur-e, then the tuoll exceHent bruite bea!l. ·And the ·moH abie6t handmaid is more to be regarded, then the bcfl goldor richelltreafure. Therfore this ferues to con- .fute thecnidtieand couetoufnelfe offuch, as do {hew more ·Joue andgoodvfageto th~beafts, then to menmade after .Gods Image,and committed totheircharge.For,vvhen their · ·cattell rake paines, they prouide food and drdling : and if . theybe ficke and difeafed,they feek all meancs tohaue them cured and recouered.But let their feruants rife vp earely,and go robed late,and trauell foreall day : yet littleor noregard .-is had., either<?ftheir diet orwarmth, or other comfortable refrdhing. And though they- bee ticke, andweake in their houfe, :md lie hardby them, they will not fo tnuch as go to ·them, withany care or diligence,butrather m:lke a fpoile of_ -them in··.defrauding themuftheir wages. This is a beaflly -and fauagecrueltie.t ·andGodpaies them for it accordingly. ;For either he plagues the"mwith vnfaithfull feruaots, or clfe ·makes them fo cdious, asno feruants will abide with thetn, ·but the vvhole toile liethvpon themfelues. And indeed·fith they prizebeaGs.abouemen, and beare a :greater aff€Clion ·to their goods, then to the ImageofGod in man; it is moLl ,iufi,tbat theirbeatlsandgoods fhcn) turned intoabur~ · · - ·- · dcA ..