'. 37 f The tenth Clmm411Mmtnl• . the fourthComn1andemellt, fo heere hathbranched it out, in fo manyparticulars, and at ·length c~mprehended all o. ther things,not ~xprdly named before, in a general tearme, that men might haue no tbift or rualioo,but might hecorn.._ pelled to confeffe that all couetiog, as well in fmall matrers._, as in great, is finne beforehim, and thercfo.re makes vs1ubiea to his wrath and tnaledit'Hon. · This reproueth thofe, that for weightie martcrs offomc value,will hold their hands at ~eatl: butfor fmall things th'at they thinke aman maywell fpare, they giue hbenie,not t() their·hearts otdy,but alfo to.their hands. And then they fay, Oh this is nothing, I prayGodwe may peuer do worfe: but yet it is nol well,that onedoth fo ill. For though hee doe-no worfe,yet ifhedo this Aill,it wiii bring him vnder the curfe, and will·certaincJy in timedraw him to greater matten. For ifa fm:lll fparke be fi1ffered to lie l_ong in the thatch, it may ealily fet the whole houfe on fire~ And hee that will difobey God forahttle,wil difobey him more for a great deale.And he that is bold to corrupt his confdence for apenny, will be more venturous for a pound. And though the matter bee fmall whereinone oftends; yet it is not a{mall matter to of– fend God. It is a fmall thing, but yet it is f&rnerhing: and God will not allow it in any thiog.He can fpare it. But God wi not fpare thee, if thou ·take it with finne agai11tl his law. · Yft. Therefore the vfe·that we muAmake;, is tobefeech God to giue vs a contented heart, and fo to like of our owne etlate, as that wemaycouet nothing that belongs not vnto • 'rhe mearrs vs. Which grace we lhall obtaine,ifwe get a firme and true !o~ed con· faith inGods promifes andprouidence. Fer ifone be fleden c nes. f~Jy perfwaded th3t God bathappointed hin1 this houfe; thiswife, this fcruant,then he will be content therewith. For we muAneeds yeeld, that Gods waies be better then ours, ·that his decree ismoH iu!l in it fclfe,and alfo beH for vs, ifwe be his. Alfo t>.11e mufl haue fahh inGods promifes.For whenone feeth no helpe for himbyany la.wfull meaoes, &nd is not re– folued that,God·will prooide for him, and will f~e that hee . . . ili~