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·. Thefiifl Comm4ntl~metlt~ · 31: we areb.otind itJ"con(ciet-lCC tO thin~e W_ell ofthatm&n ·: b~t; God wili firllfee vprightnes,and then he will ac,count well of the pracHfes that wedoe ou~wardly. ( This then ouerthroweth them, that thinke ifthey can car.- Pfe. r. ric themfelues that meo cannot blame them,then all is well: whereas ~.his is nothing.For God faith, Cleft thine heartfrom iniquitie,O lerufolem,that thot~m~eycj} he[aued. No outward Ier~.4.r4-. walhing can doe any good,vntill the heart benrH vve~l and thoroughly clcanfed. . Secondly,this teacheth vs to carry our felues wanly, and ·l . to feare as well fecret, as open finnes, becaufe all fecrets are open to God,and euery hidden thing is manife!a before his face. ThisMeditation helped Io6, that h~ would not allow Iob.3x,1.~. fo·much as awanton look, otby-thought/or he conf1dered 4· that God beheld all his vvaies,and told all his fleps, neither could he be deliuered from.his highnes. IfGod had feene themonly, and not taken any great 1~odce of them,_ it had · n0t been fo.much :but as he faw them, fo he kept th,ePl in fuch a remembrance,as that a.ccordingthereunto1ob lhould receiue his reward~ In this regard ,hee made acouena11t U:ith bueye.r, and did V\lalke in feare contjnually,and would fuffer no vanitie,or filthine,He,to enter into his heart. But the want ofthis perfwafion,that God lookes alway full vpon vs, is the caufe why men haue fo many couetous, fo many craftie and . er~ell thoughts,and fuch impure cogitatioAs : yea, men are now come altnoit to this height of Atheifme there~, as to _ thinke a_nd fay, that, thought is free. But they lhall finde, Thought is that though it be free from men, it is not free from God: not free. and that they lllall be liable to the fentence of eoerlafling death and condemnation before qods iudgement feate,vn· _leffe they bee 2s carefull to cherill<l holy thoughts within -themfelues,as honeil aCtions; and as dilig~nt in purifying their hearts in the fight ofGod, as in walking ciuillie in the .fight ofmen. So much ofthe Negatiue paltofthis Commandement. The_affir.. Now followeth the affirmatiue. · :r~~:eG:fic .. Wherein we are commandedfo~re efpcciall things, viz-. Comman. T .k . . r;o d 1 h.. fc h" . 11 • h" lfdcmern. , o now ~o ,to oue 1m,to eare 1mJ totrua., 1n un. C 3 we