Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

5l , . ·ThejrftCommUJtie•ent. · wood,with fore and grieuousaffii&ions;he hath made. them fober with true comfort and c0nfolation.· Thefe meditati– ons often arifing, and nourHhed inour hearts, .will bring vs . at length to leane tohim, and build ·only vpon him, who is our fure and foundation. Yft-1.. The vfe ofchis, is to teachvs, to get confidence and trufl .joGod, that fo we m"yhaue our hearts defire, and may al. way flourHh; that thoughheate, though ternptations andcalamities befall vs, and all things feeme to bee tolfed · vpftde downe,yet, webe in fafetie. For no man is -hurt, till diHruftand vnbeleefehurt him: ifthe foule be not hurt by V.tlbeleefe, all other things are fo far from hurtingvs, as that . they filalf doe vs great good. Now, fame of the markes, Noresofti. wherebywemayknow·that wedo indeed, and riot in wor4 d';~e,:~n ·only, trull and rtlievpon Godalone,are.thefe. . . The firfi is, to vfe all good meanes ·faithfully to feru'e Gods prouidence. Noman is more diligent in putting all good meanes in praCtiCe, than he that hath a moil conllant .and firme·fa-ith in God, as fee that·in laco!J; ·hee had ·a ;promife, that he lhould preuailcwith men, fi·thhe,had pr~- . .-uaile.d withGo.d.;.and .fbouldnotnow :bee.called lt~co!J any more, one that takes manby the heele, but he.fh_all bt;e cal– .Jed /ft'it6/,one·that fo wrefllethwich·God,that he ~preuaileth .o ·enQC, p.• wit.hhim. Whetl Iacob receiued this prornifc, and did fully trufl in God for ,his deliuerance, yet heewas not flacke in .vfi11gall mcane.s>that plight pacifie Efau. Nay, whocould . . hauevfedmorewife and good meanes then bee did ? but ..flill honefl meanes. For forthwith hee fends him prefeilts ' .toaffw~ge h~s wtath, ~nd fendc.s them n~t all together,but fets a diGancebecwixt one, and other: that fo this ' paufe might m·ake ·him·to digell them the .better, and his wrath · - .might by littleand little go out: otherwife the :flame might – .haue been fo great, th~tit would haue made him deuoure :and cofuq1e al,ifthey hadcome to him all at once•.And then .he bids·them ;1ll_to d<;) obeyfan.te,;and call him, my ·LordE– fo11; ~n great wWedqm~anddifcretion:: for, giuea·c.ouetous ~ manwealth enough, and anambitious manhonor enough., andyou tnay leadc themwhither_:You will. · .. -- Likewife