Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

.54 T (le frf! Commandement.· · ·not bc_e dHinaid, ifw~e pu~qur confidence in Goit; for the .heart is ncucr difmaid till the hope be gone: 3nd ifG.od bee· our hope)thcn fo iong as ht .remaines,our comfort remains. But ·this i~ the.'?~if~ra:~~e, c:orruv~,i9n ofou~ n~ture_,;thar ifall ·rhele outward things he gon~; ~~cn . wc llc down-e:clifconten.. -ted and d1fcou;~gcd., .. ~~1d thi}r~e th.a~uu.r cafe:is, and we vndone:: but ifriches_, ~nd outyvsrd mJtrers ,flow ·in, an,i wee haue the ~:vorl9 a.t ~·\tJ, . rh~n, .as ~be ri-ch man !n the Gofpell ,we f~y,though t)o~in vvord,y~t it1 €cede, Sou!e tak! thint'la[e., nmv thot~ haf!jlo"(e:laiqvpf9t ,nan_r,yrfrt:s~Arrd why · ' would hee giue -~.llowancc tQ take it (a(e:?··N;<Jt be– eau fc his h~art w~sfull ofGods promifes, for thatH~~;_peen agood rcafon and found rcioycing : 1 Qt;!t.. b.c.caufe his'h3rncs \\'ere full afcornc :·and this was to withdraw his.he:Jrt from G<:>d. For w~of~r.uer. pro~m.i(e.rh hit)lf~.Jfe thc.rnor.e:fafery for . ·'his wealth,,makes a.n Idoll ofhis wc~l~h,andfets itrvp in ·tl1c rootn.e of God. . . Therefore /oh_~pr~ueth by this, that h~e did truft in God, · Job P·Jf· for he did'notreioyc;e in his goods, hee ~vvas nor glad that he had muchgold,a,n~l mapy,;an.dgrounds, f.()r hck~ew . · that God did not loue him one iot -the better fot that: and all his wealth Co.u)d f;Ot 'ke,}.pC,OilC C~o(fe from h~01; Of prolong h~s life one minute ofan hourc,and therfore he did not much rcioyce to fee r-hefe things c<;>rnc.it1 byheapes: nnd fo when Ioh 1 . 2 ,, all was g~me, . h~ .h~H~ f'Q,qn~ m~qqhis a_c'(,Ollnt's, GDdhtttbgi– ur,n, G(}d_hath. t~~t~,. /J!tfft4brt tJhf pll11.f.(,o{.<tht Lord.. ~\Vh~ra I ha0;t!Jem, I .v.·q,s J~9~~ ~·he, betft;r l!lt ~H<l n.ntJtru!l jn 't:hem; an•· thereforeno'N_ ~-h'~y .aregoJlc,l a:nlnbt moch·.vcrxt d: ic was no. parr ofmy h:\ppin~s tp hatJC,tht:'tll,ne~cher is ir: :t ny .part of iny mi(ery. ~hat I ~h11ue lq fu~d,:Jinly. lrdl .them~ ·Btit this our dHcotnilg~tnent_,: & tmJrt:l}-udng? ,'fl•bcm, V\•e want ,the mean~S'; : iliewc.s th~r1we- trut~ ~)ot. itl (~,t;,:~.l~fi.tvhcm! ·for · : Qods,findLf1g,vvho.mufl tric>t\~~e.fQt:: Yf:i,:b.trt-he? Jt·lo htaf1s_life , con{ifls in bu ':"iclu.r;faithChriH.1f(;~d be ou'r Fjther,~nd vn- ' <.l~rtake to mai,ntainc V$, , why aret ~·~r.·n.ot content with his~ prqrn\f~s:?Wh~t~th.ou~\:1 PC : ~}Ccp_,e.thio·gs irth:i~-. ~\.\tl.~e hatlO$ r it i~ qec_aHf~ ~~ee",~n9.yv ~,~~ .hPw,.it<? .:·Yf.e t· .is ~. the; _tpattere~~q.~w.,ctt~ld hf~ · trui:~V\1tt · goas '( as ftwere) · j ·; . and ·