Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

74 Theftcont/Clmm4ndemene. PapHh re · This ferues to condemne thePapills, that are moll guilty ~:fili~~ for in. this p~irit, aud. haue .defiled the who~~ worlhip ofGod G~ds ~or- Wlth thetr owne tnuenttons and fu per(htlOO$.. As by pray.. f'htp Wlth • C h d d. C b f . h j' 11 ' • their ow'i 1 e tng 10r t e ea , ror earanee o meate, put ttng o Int'BC !1\ ,i"Ruention. timc,&c. In all which God may, and 'Ai l! (:;ty vnto therm ·\Vho requi red thefe thmgs at your hands? fo in the Sacra.. ments. For in the Lords Supper}the bread mufl beconiured, . and croffed,and likevvifc thewine, or clfe theythinke jt not ·fufficiently fancl:ified: but where harnGods word comrnan.. ded any ofthcfe If the~ bee fo necdfull, then ··they~. ·condcmne God for want ofwitcdome, io that he could not fee it : or if they be not needfull, how dare they be fo bold .as to adde them to Gods ordinance? So in Baptifine, they haue added fpettell,falt and creameJand fuda trumpcrie: all V\'hich is wicked and abominable, and liable to this accufa– tion; who required thi.s at yoHrs hands?So for the Mir1i£lerit", ·how hauc they <:orru'pted it, by Popes, Cardinals, Abbots, Monkes,Friers,and the rdl of that cr~w?And alfo theyhaue appointed their Priefl to ofier a facrifice propitiatorie, for quicke and dead., whereof there is no mention in the Scrip– ture of(iod :and therefGre there can be no bkffingvpon them: fiJr they proceede from the flelli, and not from the fpirit oftruth,but from the fpirit oferrour: and fprangfrom out ofthe earth, and did not comedowne from heauen. So tnuch for the thi t1gs forbidden in this Commandement, namely Idols, idolatrie, and fuperllition. Now as this faife woribip is forbidden,fo the contrarie, namely,thepure and holi~ wodbip is required; and we are commanded t<:> fiand for and to pra&ife all thegood meanes, which God bath ordaine~ for his glorieand our owne faluation. Whereof . fomc are more ordinarielas prayer,hearit?g,and reading the word, and receiuingthe Sacraments,&c. Which duties, be– caufc they h,aue been often handl-ed alreadie, and many oc· catlo~s are daily offered to ff~~akof them :1gaine,and again, in our ordinaric miniflerie, therefore th(·y2re OJleljf nttmcd ~~:~:~a in this place. ~his furrhcrwe muH be carcfiJil of,that all the beperfi1r · holie feruices ofGod muH be perforRled with fuch nuerent Fned with • f h b d' d, r. 1 11 - {1 b ret;eren~e. canagc o t e o 1e, an ygenures, as are mo 1. efeemmg