Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

The(et~ndCommandement. make an exclamation i11 Gods cares, and _he vfeth not to rep~ll rheir crie with a deafe eare,but he heares it, to the ruine ofthofe againH whom the crie commeth :-for afcer this crie oftheir iniquitie,followes their crie and howling for mifery. As Go<!_s daily·ludgerneat 'Vpon enclofers, and oppreifors, in our Jaicsfhewes it; for when theybegin to molefl poore men, to vnpeople townes, to feekc how they may dw·ell alone in che land, this enclofingdorh but exclude them and theirs .: fo that it men would but marke and obfcrue it, they {hould fee hef(,re their faces,how God plagues their finnes, both in thcmfdues and their houfes. This muH teach vs alfo to be humbled, and tocraue par- "' don Jor the finnes ofour forefathers; bccaufe they fend out ~~;fe~um an ill breath,co bring the curfe ofGod on vs alfo.So wee fee our fathers. in Dan.9.he doth not only conft ffe his owne finnes,and the Cmncs. wickedndfe ofthe people,then aliuf, but he i~ wonderfully call downe,and grieuerl for the Gnnes oftheir anceHors and predecdfors, and of the Kings, PrieHs, and Prophets, that went before them. And there is apramifejEzek.J8.t4.that he that fees .his fathers finnes, and fearerh, being humbled for them ,and doth not the like ,he iliall not fmart,nor bcare the puniihment for them,but God will be mercifull to him.• FGr indecde this is a true note, that one doth nor iuHifie and defend his far hers euill waies, when hee is grieued and forfakes them. But he that fees his fathers mHoeedcs, andwtll either iuHifie them,and defend them in word, or die byhis .prattifc;;- rnainraine rhem :he makes vp the meafure of his fathers finnes, that both may be laid together, and bring a double plague vpon his head. . Ofthem that hatt me. I N that God calles Idola~rie at.d fupcrflition hatred of him,hence this do6trine may be learned,thac all falfe loue ·is hacred. For Idolaters pretend that they Jouc God sboue all,and more then all: They can flnde in their hearts to be– , flow thoir· fOJ:ines an~ daughters on hi;nl: and is not that zeale?N,,.Falfe lo,ue i3cruc.ha rred: and in·that they do thole things,whi'chGod hates& fo rbids,whaceuer their pretence ·. ·· F 4 · - is - . ,