Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. :84 ·Theftcond Commandement. ~i~Jt3~~ learne, that the betl way for any man to do good to his chil– , good ·ro his dren,is to be godly himfelte,' as rhevery words_oftheCom.. children, d . · ·. S pr 1 A d · · · mutt bee man . ement do tmport. o · l3 ·37·2 1. Jflt? man~ merce.. ~cJdly him· full} andltndeth,a·lldhh·[eedemoyert,rheb!tffi"i·And after, 29. {elf~ ,y er t: The righteous (hail inherit the l.and,and d~·e/l in itfor ttur: ·Not in his owne perfon, for rhat were no bldftng to a·good man, to Jiue lliH in this worl<"l, but in h1s fcede hf;!e meanerh. ,Qnewould thinke the contrary: .wha t,is he alwaies lending? ·lliHgiuing,2nddoing good? whyal as, how iliall his pc-ore childrendo the~l? How lhaH they doe ?Nay, they bee rich children, and 01all dowell enough. TheJ hau: a ric~ legacy Jefi them, forthey fl1all inherit the bldhng ot God. When :he faith, the blcffing, it is more than ifhe bad C:1id the whole earth, and all the World. For all this onemight haue,andyet bevnder th~ curfe, and liue and die a miferablc man, and go to hell too:but he fhall haue the blcffing,thcrcforcall rhings necetfary for foule andbody: for, fo .much the bleffing con– taincs. So Pfal. I r 2. 2 . Th~generation ofthe ~ighteous fhab· b~ ·/J!effid. If then the bieffing ofGod be the caufe ofail profp('– ;rity andhappiryes: and contrary, thecurfe ofGod, the be– ginning and groundofail miferie: then fo fa rre as v ee bee goodor ill,fo farre do weigood or ill to our fiock.e. · For in the lawGod thrcatens,that ifwe bedifobeciient to him and his Commandements, wee Gull beeq.nfcd in fouJe, body, wtfe, children,and ~11 th a-t we p.ot our hand vnto. Bur, on rhe other fide,' ifwe be vpright,and with a perfe& heart fee our felues to followGods Commlndements,~hen wee lhaHbee blelfed in foule,body,wife,children,and aJI that belongsvn. tovs:fo that the bleffingof God lhal meet vs at cuery turne. ' Vft '· Since thenGod is fo mercifull to all thofe rha t louehim, and fhew it by keeping his Commandements: This feru es for the comfort ofall fuch,as be good children of good pa- . rents: though perhaps,their parentscan leaue them no grtat matter ,for outward things,yet they hauc laid vpmanypray~ ers for them inheauen,and lcaue themGods fauour fo rthei r pofld iion:they haw: agood patriFnonie,for they ha u e.-C:~d~ 'b lcffi ng-to t ruH vnto. Iris better to be tl d of a godly, ·dian ofawealthyparent.For he that is both himfelfe-a good man, ,