Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

rnan,and bath alfo proceededofgodly parents, is now·p • · feffed ct>fa·double bleffing,for his fathers prayers;and for his : owne.; for his fathers mercy and fer his owne a!fo. This is. :& : likewife,for th(!"comfort ofGods chi-ldren, that haue many; cbildren,:and little vvealth to leaue them.· But rh::a .is not' the " queHfon what goods they haue-. Ifthey be good, and labor . alfo tO haue their children ·good ; though they vverc thOU-* · fands of them, they haue thebleffing ofGod, and-that fhall 1 maintaine.themwell enough. Thofe 'that be bleth~-d qfGo.~,- . fl;1all not \\'anttbe effeCts ofhts blrffing.As Pfal. 37.2 2 ~ The) . that are blejfeJ. ofGod, {b41/ inherite tbe land: !?ut thofe rhat art ·. ·turfedofhtm. {hall be cut tJjf. Sometime indeed the godlieH · . parents hauewic~ed and vngodly children •: as Iacob-had. . · But then God \vill either conHert •them:, as ·hec did Jac,bs.: fonnes: fo t·har .rhofe, 'A horn at rhe firli he faw to be as .pro• – phane as any, he liued to:fee conueneo,and very holy men,· and pillarsofche'Church: er elfe, if all bee not good, God g.iues grace,rhar Come one oft hem :at the !caHOull be holy: t\'s ~6r:lham haJ Vllgocly l{mael, but Qe had godly lfoak..: : - ~~1d -Jfo·alz. had prophane Efou~ .but he had alfo holy ldcob. , _ ·. And ..D4uia.h·ad wicked Abjolom,and in<;e(1uous ..Ammon,but,~ yet \\ithall he godlys~tomon : or ifnone of the next of- · fpr·ing be _good,.ycc fome of(hem, hat foliO'--'' fhall be holy. ·. The godlineffe of the parent wHJ H1ew i.r fclfe in the bud; fooner or la,t<r: a's; I ()tham had a vvkked fonne and hcire af... . t~ ~ him ~ tlolough himfelfe was a good man:-but y-et afr-er god- . Idle :.4&4 1 ZJ, fucceedcd godly Flez-f!dnah. O.c if at any time ·· good paFe nt s be denied chis in their ·children, the : Lord will fully requite this want, with abundanGeof fpiricu .. ,. all and heau~nly bldfings,vpon themfelues,: as . appearetbin.~ the ,~r~ of that, worthy bleflecl KingltJjiaho ,_- i · : . · - ..... .., ; ~ :' . ') 1 • ; ' 'J ~- i; I , Exodlu.s 2 o~ 6. That loru him and lzyepe hit:..- - Commande.ment.r..... . . · -. .<. •.(" 'i , • t j .I i I • I IN: th~tthe ~~,epin~ofthe t;om!lla"hde:ments '!·s·heerc (et 'iJ~lfr~ ·. -down~(Jas anotcot ourloue,toGod,thss do-chrne;may be · l(arne·d,tbat they only be loucrs ofGod ·that be dae~sofhis. · ~ ~ will•. :_ \