it.fe>Jfe; Whofoeuer l'oues·God,mu!l in thi.c; manner· b~ep fpoken,kcepethe ·IawofGod. This is proued,I .Ioil~5• . 3•4· Thil isth#IIHe o{G1d that we l(:epe -hi6·;.Comm®deme~tt'J• Is it fo_?(mayone fay)then thatis a.veryhard pieceofwork; few can doe thac. Nay, faith he,hi.r C11mmandeme1jtJ art not grieHoH~,for all that t-1rellorne ofGod,oHtrcome theWorld. He lhewes that aChriAian,fo farre as he is reg~nerate,h~ch con– quered the World : and thenGods Commandementsceafe to b!: burdenCome. For the thing that tnakes them heauie, is eur worldlineffe and fldhly lulls, which tl:riue againfi the fpirit: but in wbat meafitre Gods fpirit which regenerateth vs,hath fet downe and ouercome rhofe JuHs; in that tnea– fure, they are verie eafie and lightfome, and wee lhall with much comfort andquietndleobey them,whcnwe are oace truly cor1uerted,according toy meafureofourfan6tificati6. le is amofl tedious thing to aChriflianheart, to obey the diuels comm·andements; but moll ioyous to follow Gods. As ifit were permitted to a Chriflian tnan for the while, to 'fieale,He,robbe,murrher,commit adulcerie,fiufeit,and wal- . low in his vomit or ·fuch like: his foule would abhorre it, . and he would r~ther die,then doe thefe things; it would bee ·. fuch a vexation vnto him. But now, to pray, to heare the Word, to teade,conferre, ·or do-e•workes ofmercie~and the .-efl ofthat kh1dc,tit}is·euen a recreation,>3nd delightfull :ex– erdfe for·him.:. for. Go€ls ·Commandements are pure~ and ·holie,aoq·de.J.i.ght thehc~rt/o farre as it i~pure and holy.So - loh. t4· l.)·1f;ree loRe me, kjepe my Com1»4ndements: and! ' ~iOpray the Fath~r,andhefhallfendyouanother Comforter.As .· ifhe .fllould Cay.,he,rhat~loucs mebefl,and keepes my Corn- . mandements mofl, fhall finde trouble : ·but lee not that · trouble him,for he !hall haue my fpirit,which will comfort · : .and fuHainc.hi-m in al his·miferie: Butignorant menwill fay, .We d0e lkoepe·C!0dsComtnandemem:s, and haueacare to - .be ohecdieml rv,n~O< !Oh.riG~· Chrifl - faith, verfe 2t.Hetha't · ·(hatb) tlnyO~ln!Jiap._d~m'ef.t~ aNd keepes them, thereby tea- , chi'ng .th~t r~nc; tn11ltprr(~ h:tu~ d1e!n~afore he cankeep them• . He mull haue them in knowledge, and,haqe them in.anemode:. iudgement and affecHon,.and then fall to-· ,. 5 ·: kcepe /