' 'Óft`., renerallmeaner to uithAtnd enemies. I r3 Apoflles, guided and infpired withhis Spirit : for either bee fpeaketh the truth to gaine credit vnto his lies, or propoun- deth true preludes that hee may foph iflically gatherout of them falfe conclufions. And hence it is that our Sauiour Chrill did reie& his te(límonie though true, and inioyned him filence whenhee confe fedhim tobee the hoheone of God,Mark.1 .24.2 5. And the Aponte Parsiwouldnot fuffer the diuining maid to giue theme her approbation though the fpake truth,inconfeflîng them the feruants of the moll high God, which did thew vnto vs the wayoffaluation. Act.16. i7.18. becaufe Satan did it, either to this end, that by his teflimonie and approbation hemight cause them the rather to bee fufped}ed and reputed inrpo(lers and deceivers, who did their miracles by the helpe offomefamiliar fpirit;or that he might afterwards-by telling this truth, bee the rather cre- ditedwhen he did belieand flander them. Eightly,ifwe would with(}and all Satans temptations,we mu(} auoide two extreames the one to defpife them, the Other too deepely to apprehend and too greatly to feare them. For ifwee fecurelycontemne Satans temptations, we will neuer arme and prepare our felues to make refinance, and fo hee Will ouercome vs before webeaware; ifwe take Mark.t.tq.25. Aä16.17.18. The eight meanes,neither to defpifeSa- tans trmpta. tioxs,nor too deeply toap- them... them too much to heart continually meditating vpon their prebend 1}rength and violence, and vpon our owne infirmitie and weakneffe,theywill fill vswith feare, andplungevs into-de- fpaire; ifwee defpife the temptation, Satan will eafly fub- 'due vs: for there is no enemie foweake and feeblewhich wil not preuaile againe} thofe who fecurely contemne them, though exceedingrnightie; becaufe they negle&all meanes -of their preferuation, and neuer eland vpon their guard for their defence ; and therefore much more will 'Satan pre- uaile again;} vs, if wee regardnot his temptations, hee be- ing (bongandmightie,andwe feebleand weake. On the o- ther fide,ifwe fo feare his temptations as that we defpaire of vidorie,Satan thall notneede to fight againflvs, for we will ouercome our felues, fainting before the fight, and calling away our weapons as Toone as Satan doth but mußter his forces andmarch againf} vs. And therefore let vs fo much I feare