Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Jiow the Chriflian beingfoiledmaybe raild. 137 endouercome and deftroy thee ? why fhouldeft thou doubt ofthe Lordsaffiflace in the time to cotne,of which thou haft had fufficient experience in times part ? feeinghimfelfe is vn- changeable andhis gifts without repentance, and therefore thole whom he hath defended he will defend, thofe that he hash once raifed vp,he will euer raifevp,andto whonifoeuer he hathgiuen grace to withfland their fpirituall enemies, to thofe hewill continue and increafe his grace, till in the end they haue a finali viaorie, and the crowne of vi6torie, euer- lafting glorie. The endof tbefrft?booke. Rom.t I.Z90