Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

g.Sea.4. How ere may an(were the fermer temp- tation. i41 That true Chransot, Ijt to beaffloeel ofGeds loue. bath threataedhis wrath againft all fuch notorious finners andhce is no leffe true in his threatniogs than in his pro.. aides. But ifall this will not perfwade thee that the Lord abhor: reth thee, yet at ieafi bee perfwaded by thine owne expe- rience.For, hath not thy iuft God begunne alreadie tomake thee tacle the cuppe ofhis wrath, ofwhich hereafter thou (halt drinke in full meafure ; bathhe not fpoiled thee ofthy goods,:taken away thy goodname, made thee an abie6t as mongft men,afllicled thee inbodywith grieuousand conti- nuall ficknefie, and filled thy foule full ofhorror and de- lpaire ? Is` not thy confcience flung with fiune, and hath not the poyfon thereof drunke vp thy fpirit? Doeft thou notplainlie apprehend his wrath, and is not thyfouleasit were letvpon the ricke, fo that there is not onepart of thee, either Of bodie `and fbiäle which islnot full oftniferie and wretchedneffe? Doe not thercforelondly flatter thyfelfe with a vaine opinion ofGods loue; but beleeue, if not my words,yet at lean thine owne fenfes; and feeing thouhaft no hope ofGods love, ifthou beeft wife loue thy felfe, follow thypleafures,ea Band drinke andcheere vp thine heart, and doenot vaincly macerate and turmoy.le -thy felfe in labou- ring after impofl;bilities, and in firiuing for the aflurance of Gods loue,ofwhich,when thouhaft done what thoucanfl, yet fhalt thou neuer be affured. And thus you fee the manner of Satans temptations, wherebyhe laboureth to perfwadevs that we are out ofthe loue and fauourofGod; atairift which we muf+morecare- fully arme our 1elues, as being moil odious and incurious vntoGod, andmof+pernicious voto our owne foules. It is moli incurious votoGod,ifwe doubt ofhis loue towards vs, feeing he bath giuenvs innumerable pledges and mot+ cer- taine teftimoniesthereo,andomitted :nothing whichmight doe vs good. He hath createdvsáfterhis owne image, bee bath continualliepreferued and fut+ained vs, givingvs our rneate in due feafon, and oft times bath fuccoured and de- fended vs before wecraued leis helpe ; but which is more, he bath giuen his.dearel beloued feline todie a bitter death, to