That trite'C'hrifíútnsought to be oeffüredofGals 7¢3 to redeeme vs out of the hands of our fpirituall enemies : and to the end we should be made partakers of Chrifi and all his benefits, he hath gi:uen vs hisword,andmadehiscp- uenatat:with vs,that inChriff he will beourGod, andwehis people,he our father,atxl wehis 'children :-Md lefl.yet there fhouldbe any place leftto doubting, hee hath added to his word, his Sacraments, which like'feales may afhure vs ofhis loue and fauour. What iniurie therefore (hall wee offer unto God,ifnot.withf}anding all this we doubt ofhis;good will, ofwhich he hath affuredvsbyfosmany pledges, tofiit!ndnies and feales ? We know that a kind friend will take it molt vnkindlie, ifafrer hee hathheapedvponaman innumerable benefits, andfhewed all teflimonies oftrue loue, hee not- wtthflanding doubtofhissgoodwill, and fufpeei his friends fhip : andfo furelie the Lord,vt ill.take;it ill at our hands, and thinkehimfelfe much abufed,.ifafter hebath:beftowwed ftichi infinite benefits, euen hisdearelie beloued fonne todie for vs,we now fufpe& his good will, and grow jealous of his loue ; ifwe.doubt ofhis Ioue,who is loue it felfe, as theApo- flle.fpeaketh, i.Iohn 4:8, But againf this which I hauefiid,therearetwo obieetions, 4.Sec7.5,. thefira is made by theworldling, the other bySatan. The That carnali worldlyman will fay, that the Lord hathmade him altopar- menhaue,no taker ofall thefebenefits,and therefore there is:nó,caufewhy affurance of he fhould doubt ofhis,loue nor any.reafonwhy hee fhould tndc;hthe be cenfured or condemnedforhis:fait -. I atifvvere, that he is buajthereof. nDt reprehended for his per wafion of Gods loue, nor, for his affurance ofGodspromifes inChrifl; but for hisboafiing ofthis faith, perfwafion,and affiirance, whereas there is no- thing in him in truth but adead'carcafe offaith,carnàllfecu- ritie,and'vaineprefinml Lion For true faith, purifieth thehart, Aas 15.}. a;)d workcth,by loue, Gal.5 6 itis plentiful) in goodworkes,an4 provoke topt-forme:all- goodduties. to God and our neighbours :.and it isimpoflible that wee fhouldbe truelie perfwadedofGods loue,and not loue him againe : it cannot be that we,loue Gòd,ifwe:thewnoca ;e in glorifyinghisnam-e byletting our lightsfhinebefore men, nor any.defire toperáoii áliedeiYce to his will. For ,as our Sauiour.