Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

170 Thatwe cannotiltdgeofoure late in the timeoftentation: with a fiedfafl faith and confiant patience; andyou (hall per.. ceiue that Gods loue, and the graces of Gods fpirit in him, were fo fhadowed with the grieuoufneflíe of his prefént af- fliatons thathe could not difcerne them.For he complaic:eth like a manutterly cafi off and reieeted ofGod. Pfal.88 PfalmS8.z4. Lord Irbydoll thou reie,;1. my foule, and hided thyface frog. me ? 16. Th ne indignation isgone oucr me, and thyfeare bathcut me and 77.8,9. o; :The like complaint he takethvp, had theProphet in thefe times alwaies the fpirit of fùpplica- tionand prayer,but fometimes thegrieuoufheffe ofhis paine Pfalm.3z.3.4 did Phut his mouth foas he could not confeflè his finne, nor: humble himfelfe before his God ; though through the waight of afflic ion,his bones were confumed,and heroared for grieEe all the day long, as appeareth Pfalm.32.3.4. So ierem.ZO.r4. leremie Peeing the word of God contemned, and himfelfe 15.18. whowas Gods ambaffadordefpifed, couldnot beare it but burfieth out into great impatiencie, curfing the day of his birth, andeuen the man that brought newes :hereof tohis -father, becaufe he was borne to fee labour and forrow, and that his daies fhouldbe confurrtedwith fhame.Ierem.2o.14. 15.18. If therefore we fudge of lob, D.zuid, and leremie. ac- cording to their outward behauiour,and their owne inward feeling in the time ofaf i ions,and in the combateoftemt tations we fhould thinke them voyde of faith, impatient, and deflituteof all affurance and hope of Gods loue and fa- tour : but theScriptures teach vs otherwife, propounding them vnto vs as Maternes of patience and true god} ineffe; and themfelues an at other times doe thew their fingular faith, patience,and the ref+ ofthe graces ofGods fpirit. See- ing then this isnot our cafe alone, but the flareofGods dea- refi children, let vs not beleeue the.temutter telling vs that tie are not Gods children, becaufe we fee not Gods graces fo plainely in the time of temptation and triall, but contra- Ti« ife bewrayour irnpatiencieand other corruptions:but let vs be truelyhumbled in the' of our infirmities, laboring and.firiuing to reforme them; and iudge of our flate, not as we finde it in the time ofthe conflict, but as it was or isbe- foreorafter the combate is ended.