the onie55ionvrgedoast ofEcclef.9.T. axfvered. rr Lafllie,the tempterobiec`leth, andhath flirtedvphiswic- ked infiruments the enemies ofGods truth to defend, that thoughwe are not wholly to defpaireof Gods loue,yet wee mull doubt thereof and to this purpofe they alleage that faying Eccle£9.1. which they reade thus : Ihaue handledall theft t htvs inmy heart that i night carrtou f to vnder/1and: Iufit andv-,ife menand their.Gcrkcsare in the hand ofGod; and scot- withftzanding,aman knowethnot whether be beworthieoflore or h.atred,but althin74 arekept vncertainefor the time tocome, &Nc. Ianfvere, that ifGods loue or hatred did dependvpon our ovine vnworthine%,.wee might \yell doubt; nayI will fay more,wee might iuflly defpaire of.hisgrace and: good will, and certainly affureour felues that we werehatedand abhor- red ofGod;for this, ifany thing, we hauedeferued.But the truth is, that as Satan tempting our Sauieur, and quoting Scripture for his purpofe, left out that which made againfir him; fo here by his inllruments afftultinghis members, he addeth to the Scriptures that whichmaketh for h:m: fornei- ther in the Hebrew, which is the originall,nor in theGreeke tranflation is thereany one word ofour worthinclie or vn- worthineffe;but thus it is in thetcxt as it is truly tranflated in our Bibles ;_,Nomanknowetheither loue orhatredor allthat is before them : and whereas they reade the words following thus; But all th ngsare 1ept vncertain for the time tocome, they moll grofly depraue the text, which is thus tobe read as wee haue it tranflated; All thin -.r camealike toall , andthe f ame con- dit,ón-is to the iulzz andthewicked ; and thus alto doth eífriaa C'llontanru,one of the moll learned among(( themfelues, tranflate it. Neitherevil their corrupt tranflati6(land with thefenfe and truthoftheplace : for as he faith, no manknoweth whether, he be worthie ofloue,fo alfo,that no manknoweth whether hebe worthie ofhatred but this is vtterly falfe;for fo fhould we fay that we could not know whether the Sodomites for th :ir ftlthinefle, the Canaanites for their idolatrie, Iuliaí for his Apoflafie were vvor- -thie to bee hated ofGod;whereas theS-riptureswirneffe the cleane contrarie, and. eúen they tleïniciues do confeffe, that theywhodefperatelygive cuer: the;nfelues §.Sea. I o. Meohietlion eut ofEcelerßß t.anjtvered,