Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

174 The obieEfíonurgedout ofEcclef:g.t. añfrrered'. merciful! promifes, he hathgiuen vinovshis holy fpiritcry:. Ttem.8. . ing toour harts Abbafather,anthriteeffing. to ur frirtts that xe are thefinisofGod, Rom.8. He hathmanifefled his loue by giuing vs his onelie forme, andbegetting in vsby his word and fpirit aliuelie faith, whereby wee may apply him and alt his benefits vnto vs. Whofoeuer therefore beleeueth truly in lefusChrifl, he maybe afluredofGods loue and cuerlafling Iohn g. i6. life,according;to that loh.3.16.,SoGod loued theworld,rhat he gauehis onehebegottenfonce, that ts hefoener beleeteeth to hint - fhos1dnotper:Abut haste eueri'iîhng lJfe. Iftherefore we beleeue in Icfus Chritl,we neednot to de . fpaire,,n-o nor to doubt ofGods loue and fauour towards vs; notWithtianding our vnworthincf e,noryet inregard ofthe manifoldaflli&ionswhich God icfiic-eth on vs, neither in refpeót ofthofemanifold infirmities NR hich e bew ray kv1ii- left the handofGod is vponvs but wee may fi)undly andaf- _.furedlyconclude with the Apottle Nut Rom.&. _,.8. a n.per- .Rom.8.38. fivaded that neither deathnor li[e, eor Angels, nor prwctpaltt ies, norponrers ,northivsprefenr,nor thine s t come, 39 Nor he4ght nor depth,nor anyothercreature;Labe e ule tofëpar ctevsfrom the loueofGodxhich is to Chrift Iefus our Lord. CHAP. IIII. .OfGods` leEtion, thecaufes,fubieEF,obteEland properties thereof. Nd fomuch concerning theFlit caufe ofour fat- uation,namely Gods loue & goodw ill,and al- fo the temptations ofSatan, wherby he labou-' reth to impugne our affurance thereof. The fe- cond-caufe is Gods free eleChiô, which procee- deth fr6 the other;for whomhe loueth,thofehe eleCletlrvn- toeuerlafling life and happines,it being an infeparable fruite ofloue to feeke thegood andfelicitie ofthe partie beloued. EleóIion therefore is that part ofGodseternall andimmu- table decree, wherebyof his free loue andvndeferued grace hehathpreordained fome inChritt vnto láluatio, and to the e