§.Sea.2. 17 6 OfGodselec ion,thecast ttrukett,òbúEt,d's. &ednot our faithas an impulfiue caufe mowinghim to eledt vs,but only as an effe&ofour ele&ion; neither was the Lord mercifull vnto vs inmaking choice ofvs to beepartakers of euerlafling happines,becaufe we were faithful], but thatwe might be faithfull,as Paulprofeffeth ofhimfelfe 1.Cor.7.2s. And the holyGholi afEtrmneth,A&. i 3.46.that asmanyofthe Gentiles as were ordainedvnto eternal!lifebeleeued. Laflly;al- though the merit ofChriawas the onelie meritorious caufe ofour faluation,yet itwas not the caufe ofGods ele&ion,for Godselc&ion was fromall eternitie,and thecaufe cfChriits . merits, which were in time and the effe&s ofGods e1_e &ion, and therefore that which caneafter could not be thecaufe ofthat whichwas from all eternitie, neithercan the effe& producethe caufe,but the caufe theeffe&. Moreouer,we are notlaid in the fèriptures to bechofen for Chrifl:but inChrif}, Eph.i.4. And the Apof}1e Iohnaffirmeth,that Gods eternal] louewas thecaufe which moued the Lord to fend his forme to redeeme vsby hisdeath, and notthat his death was the caufe ofhis loue, Iob.3.16. And fomuch concerning theef- ficient caufe ofour ele&ton.Thematerial] caufethereofwas thepurpofe or counfaile ofGod himfelfe, wherebyheede termined to ele&vs. The formal] caufe was the feuering and letting apart of certaine men whichwere to bee faued,fele&ed from the reit whowere reie&e Theend ofGoffele&ion was two-fold:the firfl and chiefe endwas the glorieofGod,fet forthby manifeflinghis grace andmercie in the faluationofthe faithful]. And this theA- poitle plainly exprefléthRom.9.23.namelie, that theendof Gods eleClion is, that he nakht declare the richesofhis glorie to the ve elsofinercie, whichhe loath preparedvntoglorie. And Eph.t.4.5.6.he faith,that hebathchoIen vsin Chrijt,andprede- f inated vs,to thepraire oftheglorie ofhisgrace. The fecond end which is inferiour and fubordinate to the other, is the laluationofthe ele&, and thisalfo is expreffcd by theApoftle Rom.9.23. where hee faith, that the ele& are prepared untoglorie. And A&.i 3.4e. the holie Ghofl faith,as manyas wereordained to eterrallifebeleeued:thereby implying that