Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

4 OfGodteletlion ,thecnsfes,frrbieEl,obieí1,&c. 1 thatthe faluationof the ele& is the end ofGods ele&ion. And thefe are the caufes ofGodsele&ion. The effe&s which infeparably follow hereupon, are Chrifl theMediatour, and the whole worke of his mediation and our redemption wroughtbyhim,our adoption, effe6tuall calling, iufificati- on,fan&ification,and glorification; and thefe are the degrees andmeanes of our ele&ion, which are as well contained in Gods decreeas our faluation it felfe. The fubie& in which we are ele&ed, is Chrifl Iefus our Mediatourand head;not in regardofhisDeitiealone,for fo he isthe efficient caufe;nor in refpe&ofhishumanitie alone, but as he is Godand man. And we are therefore elected in himbothbecaufe inour felues we were not capableof fuch glorious dignitie,asallo becaufe he alone is a fit Mediator in whomwe should beetc&ed, feeingwith our ele& ion there is anvnion and coniun&ionofvs with God who hath ele- &edvs. s The obie&of Godsele&ion are all thofe who are preor- dainedvnto euerlafling life, and whom the Lord will eter- nally faue; which being confidered in themfeluesare a great number,but yet in refpe& of the number of the reprobates buta finall and little floçke ; for thouçhmanybecalled,yet fete arechofin,asChrifl himfelfeafl:rmeth,Matth.zz.i.. The lull thing, which alfo is exprefhed in the definition, arecertaine properties attributed toGodsOe&ion; namely, thatit is eternall, free and immutable. That this decree is eternall,it appeareth,Ephef. i4. Hehash chofen vs inhimbe- forethefoundationof the world. SoRom.9.1 . Secondly,that it is free and ofhis meeregrace, itis mani- feíl Rom.9., 8. He bathmercieon whomhe will, and *horn he willhehardeneth. So Ephef.t.I t. Inwhomwearechefenwhen we werepredeîiinate,according- to thepurpofe ofhimwhichwor- *k¿,eth all things after the ceunfill ofhis ozonewill. Laffly,that it isimmutable and moll firms andcertaine, it plainlyappearcthz.Tim.z.19. The foundationof Clodremai- nethfore, and hath this Peale, the Lord knozreth who arehis. Where we may obferue, that this immutabilitie and certain- tieofGods decree, dothnot depend vponvs or our perfeue- N ranccx