Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

r78 Satans temptations concerning GodieleEtion anfivered. rance,but vponGods good pleafure and foreknowledge ,for it is a foundation in it felfe firme and Iiable,and bath not the feale of our vvorthineffe or perfeuerance in grace, but of Gods foreknowledge whereby heknoweth whoarchis. CHAP. V. Satans temptations concerning Gods cicalas; anfweyed, and fi; f thofe wherewithheafaulteth. carnallworldling. Ow concerning this decree ofële%tion and theof furance thereof, there are two forts of Satans temptations: the firti he fuggefleth into the minds of carnall worldlings, tonourifli in them fond prefumption andcarnall fecuritie : the other, into the mindsofweak chri- i{ians,whereby he rnoueth them to doubt & defpaire oftheir eleéiô to euerlafiing life.The worldly ma heatfaulteth with twoprincipal temptations :firti,heperfwadeth himthat there isanoele&ion at al or reprobation, but that all inthe end that be 1i ued. Whichgroíiè abfurditie that hee may make more pl-aufble and probable, hce fetteth before them the infinite mercie ofGod, and the generali promifes and confolations in the Gofpell:as, that hewill net the.deaEls o fafnner,and that hewill thatallmesiriall befaued,inbothplaces cunningly dif- femblingthat which followeth ; for. to, thefirti place is ad- ded, but that he r'cpent, and in the latter, that theywho (hall be famedmufalfo come to theknowledge ofthe truth. But this temptation is fopalpablieabfurd, that it becom- methnotSatans policie to vfc it to any, but thole gnelie tivhofe hearts arc hardned, their eyes blinded, theirconfci- ences feared,and who hauing not beleeued and loued the truth, are giuen ouer ofGod tobeleeue (lrongdeiufions; and therefore Iwill not fpend much time in anfwering it: gnelie let fuck men as are (educed with Satans, lies know thus.much, that Gods mercie is a ilia mercie, as his iuflice is.. a nercifull iufüce ; _that- God is infinit in both, and no leife glorifiedin the rnanifeflation .oftheone thanof the o. ther.._Lexxhem k}iow.that thereareno protnifes of the Gof; pelf, Satans temp- tation mbereby hepertvad th worldtings that allin the end (hall befarted, anrwered.; Ezech.;;. and 181 3.:Tiru.z 4.