Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Satan temptations concerning Gods eleEtionanfireyed. 1». pell fo generall, whichare not limited with the conditionof faith, and the finite thereofvnfained repentance. Let them know,that Godwho is not onely mercitull but alfo true, yea truth it Idle, hath inhisword reuealed his will, as well con- cerning theeternall death anddef}ru6tion ofthe wicked, as the faluation ofthe godlie : heehath-faid,that manyarecalled and few chofn ; that the gate of heaven is fo `f}rait, that an there are fewwho finde it;thát hee will fay to the workers of iniquitie, Goeyour waies 1 kno:vyounot ; that hee wig make a feparation betweene the fhecpe and thegoatcs,and as hee .faith to the one, Come ye bleTedofryfather,inherstye the %ing- dome:preparedforyou from theforundz tions ofthe r-orld, fo hee Mat.z5.34 1L will fay to theother, l epart frommei'ee turfed into tterlagi.ig fire, which ispreparedfor the diueil aÑd his an7els..Let them U knowthat neitherfornicators , nor idolaters,naradt.-lterers,ncr. ;v.vztons,norb<gserers,northeeues,norco,setcus,nordrankards; nor railers, nor extortsoners, ,nor.any that liue in the likefins, withoutrcpcntance,(l a i.heritthekingdome ofGod,for truth it felfe bath fpoken it, r.Cor.6.9. i o.but they (hall haue their part ire thelake whichburnethWith fire and brimfone, rhich is RcueLz therconddearh,asitis Reuel.zi.8. And thereforelet not`Sa- tan bewitch theta, by letting before theireyes Gods nïer- tie ; for as fare as God is iu{} and true ofhis word, fo furclie (hall fuch as continue in their finn_es,without repentance, be eternallie condemned; neither is it any impeachment to Gods mercie,ifheeexercife his iu{lice in infliling due pu- nifhment vponobí}inate and rebellious finners, :íeeing it is fu#ficientlymanifeí}ed in the faluationofthofe who repent and bcleeue. The fecond temptation which Satan fuggetleth into the 4,$eß 2; minds of carnali men,to the end they may runne on in their defperate courfes, and wallow in the pleating filth of their corruptions, bee thus franmeth; Why en.ioyef} thou not(faith he)thypleafures ? why art thouafraid to fatisfie all thydefires ? what needef} thou to take anypaillles inperfor- ming Gods worfhip and feruice and to what purpofe lhouldef} thou forfake thy pleating finnes, fludying and . }riuing after.mortificatión and:ticwneífe_oflife; which is fo N Z bitter