§ Sec7.3. Satans temp- tation groun- dedzupon the vncbangeable- neffeofGods decree,fäl e and impious, The eaa of Gods eletlion twofold. E(att i, y,6. Y$2 Settanr temptations concerning Gods ele tionanfrered.' (nay much more)contained in Cods decree, as the corpo_ tall meanesofpreferuing life : for it hath beenheard of that fomehaue hued in the middeft of dangers, and in theab- fenceofmeate, for along time ; but it was neuer heard that any haue attai-ned, vnto euerlafling lifewithout faith,repen- tance, and fandtification : for euen the thiefevpon thecroffe beleeued inChritf, and fhewed the fruites of his faith in ac- knowledging his owne f-,nne, reproouinghis fellow,in con- feffìng our Sauiour Chrii euen then whenhis Apof}les de- nied and forfookehim,in callingvpon his name and defining by his meanes euerlafiing life. But as this temptation is foolifh, fo alfo it is falle ; for -whereashee faith that thoughwee line inour finnes without repentance,yet wee may beeeke-Jed and therefore (hall bee faced; and thoughwee take newer fogreat paines in Gods feruice, and molt carefullie indeauour to fpend ourrIiites in holineffe and righteoufneffe,yet wee maybe reprobates and therefore (hall bee condemned ; this isvtterly vntrue : for, whomfoeuerÿ Lordbath. ordained to euerlafling life, thofe alfe he hathordained tovfe the meanes whereby they may bee faued,and confequentlie whofoeuer carefullie vfe thefe meanes_may beaffured oftheir faluation,whofoeuer negle6 anddefpife thefe meanes they manifefflie declare that they arenot in the number oftheele t, fo long as they continue in their neglectand contempt : for the end and the meanes tending to the end,are infeparablie ioyned inGods decree; fo that they who vfe the one (hall .obtaine the other, they whonegleaand contemne the meanes (hall neuer :attaine unto the end. Now the endofGods eleÌion is twofold.The- chicle and principall is his owne gloric,as appearethEphef. i .5.6. Who h;tthpredefiinate vs to bee adopted through Iefiss Chriftvnto himfelfe,according to thegoodpleafureofhisWill; to thepraire of theglorie ofhisgrace. And this end the Lord will not fuller tobe fruflra.te : for his glorie (hall Thine inall his eleCi, and therefore weallo aremolt carefullie to labour that Wee may, further this end;. for the more that the praife ofGodsmercy lothAline invs,thebetter affurance we haue ofour eleilion And...