Satan" temptationsconcerning Cods deal= cnfvered. ró3 And feeingGod is mofl glorified when as our lights Thine 14450h.6.r6. brightefibefore men in a godlie and Chriflian life, therefore let vs bee rnoli careful( to fpend our time in holineffe and rightcoufneffe,that thereby vee may glorifie our heauenlie father, and alfomake our owne elediion Pure; for bee hath Ephef, r.4: chofeii vs that we fhouldbe holy,and therefore ifwe be holy it isamofl.certaincfagne that he hath chofèn vs. The fecond end of Gods ele&iion is the faluation ofhis The/ ceir e1ea ; for the Tuft accornplifhing whereof, he bath preordai- eúGds etc& ned diuers fubordinate caufes or meanes, which arc the in- feparablc effeéts and fruitesofhis elec`lion ; all which are fo linkedone with another, as that the precedent meanes is the caufe of that which next inorder followeth, andGods decree the- caufeofall. The effeásofGodselec`Iíon,hich are the fubordinate caufes or meanes ofour faluation, are principally three ; Vocation,Iuflification,andSanétificarion. Byvocation we are feparated from the world, made mein- bersofthe Church,& ingraftcd.into thebody ofChrifi ; and this is ordinarilie done by thepreaching ofthe \vord,being made effe&Iual by the.inwar_d operation of Gods fpirit;or ex- traordinarily by frame other rnear,es, or immediately by the illumination of tie holy Ghofi. In our iuiification we haue' the pardon and remifironofal our fumes byvertucofChrifls merit, and areadorned with his righteoufneffe imputed un- to vs: and this is done,principally by Godhimfelfe,& infru- mentallic by a liuelie faith. Our fan&tification confifleth in our dying to fin,and riling vp tonewnes oflife; which is he- gun,increafed,and finned in vs byGods Spirit. Whofoeucr therefore arepredeflinare to faluation,theyalto are effe6lual- lie called, that is,feparate from the world,and in-grafted into thebodie ofChrif}; and this theyattaine veto by diligent and attentiue hearingofthe word.Whofoeuer arceffcé,Iual ly called, areallo iuflificd ; and therefore haue obtaineda true and liuelie faith. Whofoeuer ,re iullified are allo fandiified, that is,die veto their finnes,and rife againe tonewnes oflife; and confequently whofoeuerare frill meere worldlings and no true members ofChrifis bodie (as all tholeare who make no confcicnce ofhearing Gods word diligently,rcuerentlie, N4 and