184 SQtanstemptationsconcerning Gods elettion anfwered. and attentiuely, nor oftreafuring it vp in their hearts) they are not truly called ; whofoeuer hauenotChrifls righteouf neffe and obedience imputed and applied vnto them (which none haue that are deflituteofa true and fruitfullfaith' are not iuflified ; whofoeuer line in their finnes, without en- tance,withoutany carnet}delire and heartie endeuour offer- uing the Lord in holineffeand righteoufnefieof life are not fanctified; and whofoeuerare not called,iuflifiedand fan&- fled,'hall neuer be faued ; for the end and the meanes ten- ding thereuntoare ioyned together in Gods predeflination. So thatwhere theone is, there the other is; where the one neuer is, there.the other 'hall euer be wanting.And there- fore as by our fanclification, iuflificatión, and vocation, we may certainely conclude that weare el.c6ted.and (hall be fa= ued; fo ifwebe without thefe,we may as certainely inferre thatweare reie6ted, and (hall be condemned if we hue and die in this flare. Seeing then this is Gods truths let not Satan lull vs in fe- curitiewith that fophiflicall cauill ; ifwebeeleaed we (hall befaued flue howwe lift; if we be reprobates we (hall be condemned, be weneuer fo earne'l in labouringafter godli- neffe; for thefe principles maywell (land together, it is im- poflïble that the elect fhould perifh, andas impoilible alto that anywhobeleeue not inChrifl, andbring not forth the fruites of their faith in a godly and-Chriftian life fhouldbe faued ; it cannot be that the reprobate fhould attaine vnto euerlallinghappineffe,and thatany fhouldnotattaine there- unto, who defireth and endeuoureth to ferue and feare the Lord : becaufe predeflination and faluation are fo coupled together .with the manes that come betweene them, that they cannot pofíibly be feuered from one another, nor the . meanes from either ofthem, noryet amongft themfelues; euen as the firft lincke of a chaine is ioyned with the lafl by thofe which are betweene them, and thefe which are in the ._ âlki e one with another. CHAP.