Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Satana temptati"on.r impagning the certaintyofour eleE-tion. T8 y r. .._.., CHAP. VI. Sàtans temptationswhereby he moueth theweahe Chrillian to doubt ofhis eléEtion,anfwered. Nd thefe are the temptationswherewith Satan 4.SetÉ.g. affaulteth the worldling:but ifhehaue to deale The caujea with a true Chriftian,who is indeede eleóledofwhich moue God,and fheweth the fruites ofhis eleetion,by satinandhis defiring and endeuourina to feaue the Lord in in i,fmne the holineífe andrighteoufües,thenheperfvvadeth him to doubt k,eakechrifiì- ofhis election, and to hangas it were wauering in the ayre, an to doubt of fometime lifted vp with hope , foinetime deieóted and call hiseletiitot. downe with feare, till at lafl he being wearieand tired with hisdoubtful thoughts,and hauing no where to refl himfelfe, is fwallowedvp of defperation. Like vntoaTillie bird which ,, flieth ouer themaineOcean,andone while hopeth toattaine vnto the land, another while feareth,feeingno place where tolight,till at Taft being fa weary that fhe can flieno further, The falleth downe and is drowned in the fea : So thefe one while hope, andfoone after finding their owne infirmities, andnot feeingwhere they mayrefl their wauering minder, doubt and feare , till at lait through wearinelfe they fluke downe and are (wallowed vp in the gulfe ofdefperation, where they are drownedanddeflroyed, if it doe notpleafe the Lord talift them vp againe, and to Phew them the firme Rocke Iefus Chrif}, whereupon they may ref} their wearie mindes, and refresh their fainting foules;-which he alwaies doth performe to thole that belong to his ele&ion ; for it is impoflible that anyofthem fhould perifh,though Satan and all thepower ofhell feeke their ruine and del}ruólion. But at this markeSatanaimeth thoughhe neuer hitteth it, and though he neuer finally preuaile, yet to this doubting, and in the enddespairing, he laboureth to perfwadethetrue Chril}ian; neither doth he content himfclfewith the forces ofhisowne temptations,but he ioyneth with him the world, which is as ready as Satan himfelfe to oppugne the certain- tie