fib6 Sa tarn tefnpt4tionsimpugzzing the certaintyofour &Men. tie ofour ele&ion, and our owns trayterous flefh which is eafily moued todoubtingand defpaire, when as it feethno- thing in it felfe whereupon it may refl. In theworld heema- kethhis choice not of fillie ignorant men,- but ofthe moff fubtill Sophiflers and learned DoStors, the true fiucceffors of the Scribes ándPharifies, cuen the whole rabble ofthe Po- pi fhclergie ; who Hand onSatans part floutlie fightinghis battailes, being perfwaded and cuercome by thattempta, tionwhich our Sauiour Chrifl withflood, ei1ll thisgrill Igale thee. For towhatend (I pray you) doe thefe great Do6tors fo fliflie (land in the defence ofSatans caufe, perfwading men might and maine todoubt of their election, and con- fecluentlie oftheir faluation ? Surelie that by emptyingmens minds ofall truecornfort,theymay fill their own cheffs, and ger the trcafures ofthe earth into their pofi ffions. For when the weakeconfeience auere th & doubeth ofhis elect}ion, and not finding any true confolat onwhereupon it may refl, con imethvntothetn for fcxne comfort andbetter affiarance; theybehaue themfelues like untovrigracious Suageons, a,, ho intending tomake a pray oftheir patients, .acç1 ro get their gaines out oftheirpainesand tortures,do-one dayheale,and the next day hinder the cure, making theWound worfe than it was whc they took it in hand,til at lati theyhaue fo poy f ned thefore that it is pail their cure,whereas they could eafi- ly haue healed it, iftheyhad not regarded their profit more than their owncredit,or their p.ti is health; or likeunto de- ceitful' Lawyers,who fometimes f} Bake i rtheir clientscaufe, and fometimcs betray it, going about in a. tedious circuit, whereas thedirest «'aylieth openbefore them, that fo their clients caufebeing made moredoubtful' & tedious,& them- felues.impatient ofdclaies, are faine to double and trebble -their fees, and yet oftentimes to no purpofe, becaufe the more they receiue,the fitter they thinke them to be their per- petuall Clients. So doe thefe Popifh Chirurgiotis and loo- tnifh counfellers dealewith their Patient &Client;for (hew- ing hiswounded.confcience, and defiring force comfort. at theirhadds,they- Willnotmake any foueraigne falue of the Pimples which theymight gather out of Gods word,wherby he