Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Thefiateofthequefiorabout thecertanatieofeleEien. 137 he might bonebee healed, forthen their cures and confe- tluentiie their gaineswereat an end : but they hold him in fufpenfe, and increafe his difcafe of doubting, applying thereunto poyfons in Read of falues, whereby at lag his wound is made defperate. Thou cant} not(vv ill they fay) at- mine unto any certaine aflùranceofthine ele&lion, for that were fond prefumption ; tohope well :-and that thou maig confirme thy hope, thou mug make vowes and goeon pilgrimage,to introcateacidoffer'vnto thefe and thefe faints, thou tnufl doe thefe workes offupererogation, build fuch aMonaflcry,repaire fucha Church,giue fo muchmony to fucha Cloifler, buy thefe Indulgences,wherby thou tnaili receiue pardon for thy hones ; and for more furety fake,thou !halt at thy death bequeath fo much monie. to the Priefls; for Maffes,Trentals andDirges, that ifit happen thou go in- to Purgatorie, thoumai(rfpeedelie be dciiuered. But all this while they fpeakenot a wordofGods vndeferued graceand free elec`lion,not a fyllable ofChrifls death and fatisfaC`lion for our finnes;no,this were too foueraigne a falue,and would toofoone heale the wounded confcience, and fomarre the market ofthefe mount-bankes, making their Vowes; Pilgri- mages, Maffes, Dirges, Indulgences, and other trumperie- ware not worth the cheapning. Séc` 2 Butlet vsconfider the fate ofthe queflion betweene vs `' 2nd Satan, with his Do6lorsand Prodlors, whom he feeth 7" it . with worldlyriches to;pleade his cauf .. We hold that aman t n[,ccñe the trulyconuerted:intlued with alit elyfaith'andfanaified,m_ay chriftianand ordinarilybee affured that hee is the child ofGdd_,elealed to Satan with his faluation : but they affirme that it is prefinnption for fuch to a/nßanu. haue any certaineaffiirance hereof, vnleffe it bebyextraordi- nary reuelation ; hemayhope ind.eede that his ele&ed and !hall bee faued, but this hope muff bee temperedwith fore,. and mixt with doubting ; and this doubting;=they call humi- htie, which they doe not accountan infirmitie, but rather a vertue which doth commend their faith,efleeming firme of -- furance to be but hereticall confidence and damnable pre- funaption,and pronouncing him accurfed in their counfcll of Trent, 7N110 afiirmeth )5 we ar.e to beleeuewithout doubting the