Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

88 The f ate ofthe queffion,a out the cent iintie ofeleE1ion. theremifíion ofour owne finne and euerlafling life inpar_ .titular. Andbecaufe they cannot but confeffe,that doubting and beleeuing, in themfelues are oppofed one againfl another; they teach, that their faith is affured of Gods mercie and Chriasmerits, as in themfelues infinite and fufficient; butit doubteth) in refpe&ofour vnworthineffe and manifold im- perfe&ions) to applie themparticularli.e untoour felues : fo that when we lookevponGodand Chriíl, there is caufe of firme affurance, but whenwe lookevpon our felues,there is nothing_but matter ofdoubting. There is indeed fome place left to their flaggering hope, but none to affurance offaith as thoughaour faithweregrounded on our owne worthines, and not vpon Gods free mercie and Chrif+s merits; and as . though refli ng vpon thefealone, it could not haue certaine affurance ofour ele&ion and faluation, notwithfianding our vnworthineffe and corruptions. But let vs arme our felues a- ,gainfl this their do&rive, which containeth nothing elsbut principles whereupon Satan may ground his temptations, wherebyheperfwadeth vs firfl to doubting, and afterwards to defpairing ofour elelion and faluation; for when the troubled confcience hath no other affurance ofGods loue and hisowne ele&ion, but that which is gathered from his owne worthineffe andworks, he flill doubteth whether yet he be worthie,orhaue fulfilled themeafure ofworkes requi- red;and then further examininghimfelfe to cleare his doubt, andfindinghisbell works exceeding imperfea,and that his fins and corruptions are innumerable, then is hisconfcience fet vpon the racke,andhis foule plunged into deepe defpaire, hauing no other flaybut the broken !Jaffe ofhis owne nigh_ teoufheffe,whichmoll deceiueth himwhen hemoil trufleth to it. 4.Se3.3. And that wee may bee confirmed againfi Satans tempta- Tbepeintsto tions, and. the fubtilifophiflrie of thefe his Do&ors,I will be cenfidcred handle this point at large, and will plainelieproue, fira,that of in this con- the child ofGod being conuerted, iuflified and fanaified, treuerf¡iie. may be certainelie affured ofhisparticular ele&ion,and that without any fpeciall reuelation after an ordinarie m annly.