--190 Thatwemaybea<tiredofoureleElion. yet not Pure to vs who could not perfortne the condition; and therefore the Lordmadeanew couenant, not ofworks but ofgrace,onely on the condition offaith thatfo the pro- mife might be fure,not onely in it felfeandon Gods.behalfe, . but alto vnto vs who are Abrahams feedc, that is,truebelee- Rom,4.t6. uers,as appearethRom.4.i 6.And thisaltonotably appeareth Heb.6.17. tS. Heb.6.t 7.18. where the Apofile faith,thatGod; illingmore abcanelantlie to fhe:vvnto theheiresofpromire the flablenes of his counfaile,6ound himfclfe byan oath, i 8. That by twoimmutable . thinswherein it isimpoffible that Godlhouldlie,wee might haue fironoconfolation,whichhaue our refuge tohorafal thehope that is , fet before vs,. i9.Whichwehaue a.4 ananchor of theföttle both lure andfiedfall. Inwhichwords ÿ Apoílle plainly fheweth, that the Lord,hathaddedhis oath tö his promife, not to the end thatin itfelfe it fhouldbe confirmed,or needed any con- firmation onGods part (for his bare word is yea and Arden, _fo infallible and fure,that though heauen andearth pap. away MattoS.rs Andperil,yetnotone tot or title of has\ordihaí - .iletillail thins -be fulfilled,). but to theend that we to whom thepromifes are made ,mightbeaffuredofthe Liableneßc ofhiscounfaile;and :thereby receiue firong confolation,andmightrell ourfoules in the tempeí}s oftemptations vpon firme hope, as it were vpon a f}edfaíl and lureanchor. Now what flabilitie, what firongconfolation., whát fiedfaflneffe ofhope, ifwee are 11111 .wncertaine ofour ele6uion, . fometimes hoping, aswhen we looke vponGods mercie and Chri[ls merits,andfometimes doubting, as whenwee lookevpon our owne fumes and vn- worthineffe? For what is thisbut to be fhaken fromour an- schor hold,and tobe toffedvpand downe with thewaues of doubting, till at lafi wee datha`ainf} the rockes ofdefpaire, and fomake fhipwrackeofour foules ? 4.Sea.4. And thus you fee that the couenant ofgrace was there- Particular te- fore madewith vs,that Wee might be affuredofour ele&ion, ffimoniespro and that the whole Gofpell is nothing elfe but Godsambaf- 'in this pntxt* fage,wherebyhe. certifiethvsofhis free andvndeferuedloue in lefts Chrifi : but letvs further confider of fome fpeciall teflimonies whereby this affurance is confirmed.Rom.S. i. it mSt isfaid, thatbeing iuflificdbyfaith, weehatepeace towards God through