Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

i Two ohieElionJ aping theaffilrance o felefion at<favred. 193' Lures : but Iam aman ; therefore I am a reafonable creature: it is rightlieand truelie inferred. Though therefore thepro miles oftheGofpell becontained in generall propofitions, byet may euery faithful man as certainely conclude,that they elongvnto him, as ifthey were particularlie applied unto himby name.For when the Lordby his ambaffadors maketh 1011.3,x6,, this general propofition in the preachingofthe word;Who_ foeuer truelie beleeue in Chrifl, they areall ele&ed vnto e4 uerlafling life; the faithfull hearer maketh this afhumption in his minde,But I by the grace ofGod, and by the preaching cfhis wordmadeeffe6tuall byhis Sptrit, haue a true faith begotten in mee,wherebylbelceue in Chriflmy Sauiour; and therefore Gods promife oflife and faluation belongeth vetome. And thus allo loth the confcience ofman out of thegenerall curies ofthe law conclude that hee is accurfed; for when the law deliuereth this propofition in generall, Car/edit' eatery one ?'hoatbideth not t all thiny h'icharezrrit- Dent, 7.2 . ten in thebooke ofthe lav to doethem ; euerie particular man Gal.3. io. maketh this affumption inhisowne confcience, But I haue not continued in all to doe it, nay infindofdoing al,I haue negleéed alI, infcad of continuing in obedience, I haue been continuallie -difobedient;in Bead of doing the duties commanded, Ihaue committed the hones forbidden, and therefore by the fentence ofthe law I am accurfed. So that though'both the threatnings ofthe law, and thepromifesof the Gofpell be generall and indefinite,yet Both-.euerymans .confcience truelie informed byGods word, gather out of themmoll certaine particular conclufions. But here the tempter willobiea further; it is true indeed §,Set7.6. that euerie faithfull tnan mayapplie the generall promifesof `That zvemay the Gofpellvnto himfelfe, but all the queflion is whether be aj/urcd :bat thou cant}know that thou haftfaith or no,fceing many who a ate tt he continue in their infidelitie, bragge mofloftheir faith. I an- f bnm t>>e iwere,that it cannot be deniedbut that manic arc decciued, promifes oftlie by contenting themfelues with their carnal! fecurity,in head Go/jell are ofahuelie faith ; but hence it followeth not, that becaufe made, many aredeceiued with an opinion offaith, therefore thofe thatbeleeue indeede cannot be affured that they haue faith; o no