Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Ì94 TiroobieE7ions againfl theafuranceofeleElionanfered.' nomore then this followeth, fome men dreame that they arerich, and arenot fo indeede when they awake, therefore no roman knoweth whether he be rich or no; for what is their fecure ofinion, but an idle dreame oftheir owne braines,: which hath nowarrant out ofGods word ? where as faith certainely and euidently perfwadeth,and like a.candle Both not onely manifef}other.things,but alfo it felfe appeareth by his own light. So that as aman who feeth and feeleth the fire and theheate thereof, doth certainely know that hee feeth and feeleth it, fo he that beleeueth in Chrif}'dothknow that hee bcleeueth indeede : yea as much more. certaine is this knowledge, as the knowledge offaith groundedvponGods word infallible, is more certaine than the know- ledge ofthe fenfes,whichareoften deceiued:Furthermoreif we couldnotbe affured that wehaue faith,then towhatput-. $.Cor.ì3.f... pofe ferues the admonition oftheApof}1e,2.Corin.i3.5:` 1y yourfelues whetheryou are in the faith, examineyourfelues knowyou natyour oibnefalues; hay thatrfefiti Chr`ifî u inyou exceptye be reprobates ? Inwhichwords the Apof}le pláinely irplieth, that we may know that-weehaueatrueand liuely faith, or elfe this triall and examination werevaine; nay he plainelie faith that we may know that Chrif} is invs, except we be reprobates, and confequentlie that we haue faith ; for this onelieis the handwhereby weapplie Chrif}.vntovs.and, a.Cor.maS. all his benefits, the Apof}le willetk-vsto exmine our felues before we come to the Lords table, that fowee bee not vnworthie guef}s ; in which examination the chiefe thingwhichwee are to refpe&, is whether we haue true faith; for this is themouth of the foule, whereby :wee feed upon thebodieand blood of our Sauiour Chrif} and thereforevnleffe we can knowwhether we haue faithwhen we, are trulie it-wined therewith, this admonitionoftheApo file were to no purpofe; neither can wee haueanyaffurance toour owne foul es, that ,weeate,w,vorthie guel }softheLords table,and confequentlie weeref. doubtfull whether wee re ceiuc the Sacrament toour fpirituall good and faluation,or toour iudgement and condemnation. _Thirdlie Wee are a Rot12.14,.73, ftired of this by Gods word that whatfseHeris not doge of farth ..