796 rweoiir`el io»ragaint tI,;eoffurinceofeleEtionanfsr.erect. notprefentlydifcerne it ; but as the corne which is caft into,.: the ground, is fora time couered and,after fpringeth vp the blade, and then thecare ; fo faith being fowen in our hearts,., which firfi like fallow grounds are plowed vp, andas it were harrowedand broken with the threatningsof the Iaw, and apprehenfionofGods anger due vnto our finnes,doth in the timeofourhumiliationandcontrition, lie couered fo as we cannot difcerne it,'till being more and more watered with the water ofthe fpirit,and the heauenlypromifesofthe Gof- pell, which in the preachingoftheword, likefweetedewes and pleafant fhowers diflill vpon it , it fendeth forth the blade, namely anholy defireand earnefl indeauour to ferue God, and afterwards the fruite, euen a.plentiful' haruefl in gpdIinefheand righteoufnes oflife. And fecondly,fometimeafter thatfaith is begun invs,and weehaue feene the fruites thereofto our comfort, it isafter hid fromvs againe, as when either wee wound our confci- ence by committing fome grieuous fin againfl knowledge wittinglyandwillingly, or when it pleafeth the Lord toex- ercifevs in the fpirituallconfli& of temptations; for then fometitnes it commeth topaffe that our faith fora time lieth hid_vnder thealliesofour corruptions; and the cloudofour firines,and the apprehenfionofGodsanger,doth fo ouerfha- dowethe eyesofour vnderflanding, that we cannot difcerne the beamesofGods loue and favour fhining vponvs; al- though when the confliel is ended; our faith againe flameth out in theloue ofGod,andzealeofhis glorie,and the louing countenanceof the Lord fhineth gracioufly vpon vs when thefe cloudes of temptations are ouerpaft. And therefore thoughwee doenot certainly know our faith by the fruites thereof,either foone after our conuerfion, or in the time of temptation, yet this muff not difcourage vs, becaufe thefe are no fit times to iudge thereof: onelywhen weewant this knowledgeand full affurance, let vs vfeall good meanes or- dainedofGod that wemayattain thereunto,if-we neuer had: it;or recouer and againrenue it, ifafterwe haue once had it, wee lofe the fenfeand feeling thereof; either by falling into ..a noes. finnes,orby.the:yiolenee_of Satans temptations. CHAP,.