That tavmay beafured ® f otzr éleMòrta 97' __----.-` CHAP. VII. That we may be ofsredofoNr ele6ion,proouedbydinersargu- ments. Nd thus haue I(hewed byplaine teflimonies of Scriptures,that we may infalliblybe aführedof our eleólion. Now I will alfoprooue thefame by ftrong arguments, drawne from the farne fountaine. Firfl therefore we maythus reafon; §eci.i. 1Jfi,Jec.7lxÌe he Gon,ell ma- riìfe(llyPezreth haï we are lrtted. Mark.r.t f i.Iohn 3.23. Mark.t 6,t'6, Io<<tí 6.63. Whatfoeuer is manifeftly. (hewedvntovs in theGofpell,that e we arebound to beleeue,and ofthat we may be affured : but it is manifeftlie declared in the Gofpell, that wee areete6led unto euerlafling life : andtherefore we are bound tobelecue it, andmay beaffured that we areele6ed.The propoßtion or &apart ofthis reafon containeth two branches : the firft is, that we arebound to beleeue whatfoeuer the Gofpell reuea- leth; the fecond,that we maybe affuredofit;bothwhich are euident truths. For that which Chrift commandeth,thatwe arebound to performe : but he commandeth vs to beleeue the Gofpell,Mar.r . i S.Repent andbeleeue the Gofpell: So this is his commandement that webeleeue,&c.i .Ioh.3.23. Thebreach .ofwhich conimandemét is punifhcd with euerlaíling death. Forhe that willnotbeleeue jhall beedamned, as it is Mar.' 6.i6. And as we arebound tobeleeue it, fo wee may alfo corne to be affured thereof; Peeing the Gofpell commandethvs no- thing, which it dothnot alfoby the inward and ordinarie cooperation of Gods Spirit enablevs to performe. For this difference is betweene the commandements ofthe Law and the commandements of the Gofpell : the Law fheweth vs the duties whichwe fhould performe, but miniflers vntovs nopower whereby wee maybe enabled toperforme them; but the Gofpell being afflhled with the operation ofGods Spirit,dothcommand and withall giueth vs abilitic to per- forme the commandement, for the words of the Gofpell arefp-rit andItfe, asour Sauiour fl;eaketh,Ioh.6.63. and with thepreaching thcrofthe Spirit inwardlyworketh,quickning 0 3 and