Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

198 Thatwemay¢eaffuredofcureleSiion. and flrengthening vs to performe that which itenioyneth; The affümption .or- fecond part of the reafon is alto cleere; namelie, that the Gofpell ma,nifefleth vnto vs our ele&lion; for what elfe is the whole Gofpell but a.declaration ofGods löue, and ofbur eleelion and redemption in and by Iefus Chrifl?what is itels but the ambaflàge wherebyGod recon- cileth vs vntohimfelfe ?- what elfe is contained therein, but Gods mercifull ppromifes oflife and faluation, made on no other.condition :but on thecondition offaith,whichweneed not feare toperformer feeing it is commanded vs ofGod ? and therefore though. we had no other reafon: to beleeue,yet Ivee fhouldbeleeue in obedience to Gods commandement, feeinghe commandeth nothingwhich is notgood in it felfe, tending tohisowne glorie andour faluation ; andifwe-doe beleeue, thoughour vnworthineffes bee neuer fogreat,yea though our faith beeneuer fo weake and finalI,yet may wee therebybe allured -of our election and faluation; for this is Thhn6:40. Godswill,that l horoeuer deleeueth in hiefonne/hallhaueeuer and 3.O.. láling life,,a.s.i r is Iohn 640.So Ioh. 6,-He -that beleeuethòt thefonnebatheuerlaftinn life, But moll notable is that place a.Iohn..5. io, i,Ioh,5,io Hethat beleeueth-v9thefanneofGod,hath the trit- nere inhimflre r that is, they neede no-otherre.afons to per- fwade thenyhat the telliinonywhich Godhath.giuen ofhis, fonne (namelie, that whofoeuer béleeue in hinr fhall haue euerlatliug life)is true; for they hauea full and fuflûient aflù- rance hereofby their faith.Whofocuer therefore can beaffu- red that they beleeue in Iefus Chrift (as all maywhobring fórtl, the fruits offai-th in fanuification and holinesoflife,or at lcafr defile and endeuour to ferue-theLord in thedutiesof pietie and, righteoufiieffe) they may bee aflùred;nay they are boundby Gods expreflè commandement, vndoubtedlie to beleeue that they are eleeled and fhall bee fáued, becaufe all theproniifes ofthe-Gofpell are made vnto themwithout any other condition. äSeFt.2; Secondlie, whofoeuer are bound to beleeue that Iefus secondly, e Chrifl is their Sartiour and Fiedeemer,they are altovndoub- are ared that tedlie to beleeue,and may all() bee allured oftheir elee`lion; rve artredee- but euery Chriilian is bound by Gods expreffe commande, went_..