Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

That iremxy beof uredo four eleliori. i 99 ment tobeleeue that IefusChrifl is their Sauiour andRedee- mer, as appeareth i.Iohn 3.23. and therefore they are vn- doubtedly to beleeue,andmay be allured of their eleólion. Thepropofition is manifefl, feeing all thole and thole onely are faued and redeemed byChriíl, vho are eledled to falua- tioninGods eternaildecrec. The affumption is mofl cer- taine, for whereas Godcommaunds vs to beleeue in Iefus Chrifl, heBoth notonely enioyne vs tobeleeue that he is a Sauiour of hisChurchin general!, or ofthePatriarchs, Pro- phets,andApoflles alone, for this alto the diueis' beleeue as well as we but we are to beleeue that he is our Sauiourand Redeemer, and to applie a':1 the promifes of life and faluati- on made inhim, particularly v>>toour felues ; for otherwife how fhculd we haue that afforance offaith, and that bolde confidence when ve approach vnto the throne of grace, which the Apotlie require *_h of vs, if we cannot be fired that he is our Sauiour and Redeemer, in whomGod loueth and hath ele&ed vs? Neither !null this faith and affiirance of our eleaien anu faluationbernixt with doubting, as the Papi[ls would beare vs in hand,who make doubting not a n in ircnitie,bu` a com- mendable vertucoftheìr faith :for faith&dotîbting t ough theyare-oftenmixt in Gods children, yet inrefpelcftheir owne natures,theyare oppofed in the fcriptures one aga iníl the other. So it is faidofAbrahvn,that hedoubtednot of Gods promife through vnbeleefe, but Your frengthened in the faith, Rom.4.2o. where the Apofile fheweth, that doubting is a fruits ofvnbeieefe,and not a commendablevertue; nay, bee oppofeth it to faith, faying, that he doubtednotofthepro- mife,but was flrengthened in the faith. So the Apoflle lains chap. i . 5 . fai th, Ifanyman lacke ufiredone, let him aske in fait lh and roauernot; where he oppofeth faith towaucring or doub- ting. And our Sauiour Chrifl alfo niaketh this oppofition, Matth.21.2i. faying, Ifyehaue faith anddoubt not. So that thoughfaith anddoubting arenot oppofed in refpe&ofthe fubieS wherein theyarefor euen the moll deare children of Godhaue their faith often mixt with doubting, theybeing partly flefhand.partly fpirit; yet thefe two in their owne na- 0 4 tures zed, & tonte. gi:entlr that we are eleaed. Rom 8.3o. Ma,til.a5. AÜ.i 3.48. t-t:br4.r6. and io.zi. §.sea. 3: 7 Ei1t ou- affir. YC'ïLe tYM!oCCL %ot F'e ,12;!, t with dotibtirtL. IarX!es I. s. Alatth.z1,z r.