'ioubting a fruite ofvnbe- leefe oppofed voto faith. Matth.14.31. Luk.z z.z9.. Rom.14.13 , 200 ?hïtt maAbeaffuredofour eleETion, turcs are oppofed one againff the other; andeuen in refpe} oftheir fubie& they thus far difagree,that though they haue their fubfif+ence in the fame fubie&,yet not in the fame part; that is, though theybe in the fame Iran, yet not in the fame part, forfaith is in the regenerate and fpirituall part, doub- ting in the vnregenerateor flefhlypart. Doubting then is no vertue offaith,but oppofed thereun- to as a fruiteofvnbeleefe ; it proceedeth not from the fpirit but from the flefh,and as a fruiteofthe flefh itis condemned inGods word, though the Papif+s highliecommend it. So Mátth.14.3 I. our Sauiour reprehendeth Teterfor hisdoub- ting ; O thouoflittlefaith, wherefore diddeit thou doubt ?And Luk,i 2.29. hee tellethvs that we muff not Eland in doubt,or (ás thewordµ fignifieth) beenot like vntometeors whichare caried about in the airewith euerie winde. And theApofile lames chap. i.7. compareth him thatwauerethor doubteth,toa wane ofthe fea toff ofthewind and carrieda- way.And maulis fo farre from commending doubting for a vertue, thathee doth not onely condemne it as a finne in it felfe,but alto as acaufe which makethouraefions which are indifferent or good in themfelues to becomefinnes. So the eatingofthis or thatmeate is a thing indifferent and lawful! ifitbe recéiuedwith prayer and thankfgiuing,but yet theA- poftle telleth vs,Rom.i4.23.thathewho doubteth is cödemned ifheeate ; and he rendreth this reafon, becaufe heeatethnot of faith,and zrhatfoeuerisnot offaithisfznne. So that by thishee fhewth,thathe whodoubteth,eateth not offaith; and that whatfoeuer is not 'done of faith is finne. Seeing therefore doubting isoppofed vnto faith, and is in it felfe not onelya finne, but alfo a caufe offinne;let vs not intertaine it though it bring letters commendatorie from the Pope and all his fhauclings;but labour to banifh it out ofourharts,and flriue after faith and full affurance ofour eleéion and faluation in ChriffTefus; and though we find our great vnworthineffe of the leaf+ofGodsmercies, and cannot fee any reafon.iu our felucs whywe fhouldbeleeue that wee are ele6fed and fhall be faced, yet let vs hope againff hope, and beleeue againfl beleefe,for itis not a thing left to our choicebut inioynedvs by