F Thatwemaybe ae curedofour elation. 2 o i by God,as thechiefe and maine dutie required in the Gof_ pell : and therefore laying afide all reafoning and difputing, let vs refolue to beleeue in obedience toGodscommande- Aft.i ment; and then thoughwee are neuer fo full ofcorruptions, 5.-9 yet will this faithpurifie vs ; though wee are mot+backward ,6, in performing any goodworke, yet will it be fruitful! invs, Gallac. S andwill worke by loue ; thoughwee be molt vnworthie, it will make vs more worthie, by applying vntovs therighte- oufnes ofChrift and the merits ofhisdeathandbloodfhed, whichwill not onely free vs from the guilt and punifhment of fin, but will alfo purge vsfrom the vices and corruptions themfelues. Thirdly,thecertaintie ofour ele6lion maybe prooued, by 4.sea.q:v= anargument drawne from the nature offaith: which is not a rbirdly,faith doubtful! opinion, but a certaine perfwafion; not a generall isa certaine notion,but aparticular affurance, wherebywe doapplie and and particular cr appropriatevetoour felues thofe things whichwee doebe- er a fl jull leeue.Whofoeuer therfore hath true faith,he doth certainly opinionor ge- beleeue and is particularly alluredofhis ele6tion,itifiificati6 nerallnotion. and faluation. That faith is a certaine perfwafion, it may ap- pearefirft by thofe properties & names whichare giuen vnto it in the Word. Heb.i 1.1. faith is Paid to be that is, a Hh,$ I.I. fubfiftence or prefent being ofthings hoped for;fo thathope vvaiteth for them in time to come, but faith enioyeth them as being prefent, namely,in refpe61ofthe certaine atl-urance and particular application of the promifes vnto our felues : and therefore theApoftle faith, thatherebywe may know(not 1-1(b.1II. that wee fhall haue,but) that wehaue eternalllife, t.Ioh.S.13. not inpoffeflîon,but inaffurancc offaith.It is called4£yx- in t,Ioln .4 , . the fame place, which word is quite contrarie todoubting, as fignifying amanifeftdemont}ration which loth not only Phewa thing probably,but alfodoth conuince with firong arguments, and make that truth cleereand manifeft; which was otherwife obfcure and fecret, and therefore in the text it is called a demonftrationofthings not feene. So there is a- fcribed vnto it fulnelfeofperfwafion:Heb.10.22.Let vs drawl-16.10.2u neere with a true heart,c 7x+ts9oe,e 77;S«c, in full4 irance o ffaith: and alto boldneffewith confidenttruft,Eph.3.12. bywhom: Ephe£3.IS. -. WC..