Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

to i That we maybeaftredofourele¿lron. vSre haue boldnefl'e and entrancewith confidence (not byex traordinarie reuelations, but) byfaith inChrif} : which full afuûrance,boldneffeand confidence we couldnot haue,if we were notaffuredof Gods lone and our eleo`}ion, butremai- ned doubtfuIl whether we were beloued of God and ele-. fedor no. To thefenames and propertiesoffaith,we mayadde force plaine tef}imonies of Scriptures, which cleerely Phew that faith. is not a doubtfull hope , but a certaine perfwafion. t.I0h.3.14. I .Iohn 3.14. The Apofile fai ch,that weknow that weare tran-. flared fromdeath toltfe (not byreuelationbut) becar' eloue thebrethren; he doth not fay that we know that we fhall be; butthatwe are tranflated from death to life, to note the cer-' taintyoîthisknowledge and perfwafìon. Itom.S.2. the A- -Rom. 53. pofllefaith, that. by Christ n-ehtue acceffethrouçh faith unto Gods trrace, Veherein reefandand rejo;cevnder hope, or, as the wordfignifieth,glory and triumph vith ioy fo that we doe not wauer and flogger,. but (landfirmely through faith ; we doenot feare andrnncroufly hope, buteuen glory and tai-- umphe in our reioycing: layingwith the Apofile,Rom.8.z 3 Rom.8.3 4.34. mho¡hall lay any thin to thecharge ofGodschofen?it is God that- 35.38- iuThifieth. 34, who(hall condemne ? it is Christ chick is dead: yea;orratherwhich is rifenagaine,n<ho isalfoat theriJ handof God,andma&eth request alto for vs. 35. who (hall c'h feparatevs from the loue ofChris`t,&c. So,that though our firmesbema:- nifold,our vnworthineffegreat,and our faith wcake; yet ifit be true, it may alto be certaine in the aflùranceof Gods loue and our elegy}ion : becaufe it is not grounded on ourworthi- neffe,but vponGods free iuf}ifying and accepting of vs, as Hebr.6.18. righteous inChrif},and vpon Chrifis death,refurree-lion,and interceflion for vs untoGodhis father; which is amoll fine foundation that cannot faile. Iu deede if our faith and the anchor ofourhope,did pitch,ref},and fallen it felfe,vpon the light andhollow fondsofour owtnemerits and worthineffe; the (urging \\'auesand boyf}crous blaf}s of Satans temptati- ons,woulddifanchor and toffe vs too and fro, till at length we fhould make fhipwrackeofour faith,agair_f}therocks of defpaire: but feeing we takehold.and ref}vpor. thefirme and Pure 1"