'1°4 Thatwemaybeaf furedofour eleEEion. inhis feedeChrifl. ForAbraham couldnotbee iuflifiedby beleeuing that hee fhouldhaue a fonne,but by beleeuing in theMeffias which fhould come out ofhis loines, bywhofe righteoufneffe and obedience he fhould be faued.Andthere- Gat ;.16. fore the Apoflle Ga1.3.16. Both appropriate that prothife Cen.si. i8. made vntoAbraham, Gen.22.18. in thyfeedefhallall thenst- tiolis of the earth bee bided, vnto the promifed feed Iefus Chrifl. Looke alto vpon theProphet Dastid.andyou flail fee,that though his faith was often fhaken with doubting,yetin it felfc it remained certaine : like atree shaken with thewinds, which is not ouerthrowne,but taketh more firme anddeepe Pfalm.:3.4. roote Pfalm.2 3 ,4. Though 1wale through the valleyof the fbadoli, ofdeath, I willfeare no euill, for thouart withmee. So Pfahn.17.1. =Pfalm.27 I. TheLordismylightandmyfiluation ,trhom'hallI feare ? The Lordis thefrenvhOf-my life; ofa-hom 'ball Ibe a- fraide? Neitherhad heonely thisaffurance in himfelfe, but fheweth that it isallo the fiateofall the faithfull,Pfal.i 25.T. Pfalm.12,5. t. They that troll in theLord(hallbee as mount Sion,-rhich cannot beremoued,but remainethforeuer. So Tobin the tniddeflofhis aflli6tions fheweth his certaine affuranceand faith, faying, Iob t ;.t S Iob 13.1 Loe,though heèflay rneeyetirillItrui in him: And and t 9.25.z6 chap. i9.25. Iamfure that my redeemer liueth,á;idhefhallfland thelaa on theearth. 26. end thoughafter this skin, wormer dei!roy this bodie, yetfballIfeeGod inmyfle/h,&c. AndPaul fpeaking not onelic ofhis owneaffurance ofGods lone, and euerlaaìng life,but ofall the faithfull,fiith,that he is perfwa- Rom.8.38. ded that nothing in theworldfliouldbeable- tofeparate vs from Gods louemChrtfi-,Rom, 8.3 8. §.Seci.6. And thus haue I fhewed,thatfaith is a certaineaffurance That fzithpar- ofGods loue and fauour in Chrift. Now I will allo proue titularlyper- that it particularlie perfwadeth vs ofour owne eleaion and faaderh vs of life euerlafling. For firfl, fach a faith is begot now in our ersrelcaiox. hearts, by the preachingofthe word, as was begot in the hearts ofmen, byour Sauiour Chrift himfelfe; for as there is but oneGod, fo there is but one true and iuflifying faith, Pplef,,,S. Pphef,4,5 : but by that faith they were particularly perfvva- f ded of the remiffion of their fumes, and confequentlie of their