nativemaybe?Taredofourele Lion. 2o5 their iuflificationand faluation, asappeareth,Luk.7,4:2.5o where our Sauior faith thus to the woman:Thyfinnes arefor- Luk.7.44. 50, listen thee, thy faith kathfaced thee,goe in peace. SoMatth.9.2. bee faith to the ficke ofthePalfie, Beofgoodcomfort, thyfins Matth.9.2. areforgiuen thee.And therefore thefaith which isnowbegot in vs by the preaching of the word, doth alfo particularlie perfwade vs of the remiflìonofourPinnes and eternal! fal- nation. For as our Sauiour Chrifl byhis owne abfoluteau- thoritie, did remit the finnes ofthole thatdid beleeue; fo he bath left.this authoritie to his Minitlers (not abfolutelie by theirowne power to remit finnes, which the manof (inne dothchallengevntohimfelfe, but)todeclare andpronounce theirPinnes forgiuen who truly beleeue in the fonneofGod,;.. and repent themoftheir Pinnes : the which their fentenceis ratified inhauen, according tothat Matth,r6.19, Iwillgsue Matth.r6.r9t unto theethekeyes of the kingdomeofHeassen,andychatfoener thou(haltbindinearthJhallbe bound in Heauen, and cvhatfoeuer thou'bait loofeinearth fhallbe loofed inHeauen : which autho- ritie is not giuen to Peteralone and hisfucceffors, as the Pa- f ills dreame ; butas Peteranfwered,not onelie for himfelfe, but all() in the behalfeofal the rell,fohe reeeiueth this pow- er both for himfelfe and for all the Apoflles; yea, for all Gods true Miniliers, the vndoubted fuccelfors of the Apo- flles,as our Sauiour expoundeth hinifelfe,Iohn 20.23.where bee giueth this authoritie to all the Apoflles ; faying,Whofe finnesfoeuer yee remit, theyare remittedveto them, and 'bhofe lohn so.2 3. lainesfoeueryee retaine,they are retained. So that theMiniflers ofGods word, by the preaching thereof,mayallure menpar- ticularlieof the remüflìon oftheir finnes: for when hee ma- keth this generall propofition,Whofoeuer beleeueth and re- penteth hIrnofhis Pinnes fhall haue them remitted, and bee made anheire ofeuerlafling life '; and the particular hearer doth truly allume thathé beleeuerh and repenteth,the Mini- fler bath authoritiegiuen himofGod tomakethis condel- on : Therefore be thou allured that thy hones are forgiuen thee in Chrifl, and that thouart anvndoubted heire ofeùer- IaLling life-.: Secondlie,asthe Lord dothofferunto vs-his gracioCIS pro- miles