Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

',IC/6 That Vile mayfieafruredofoureleîtion. , nifes oflifeand faluation,fo doe we receiue themby faith,' but the Lord doth not only generally in theword offer thefe hisgratious promifes to all that will receiue them, but alto particularly in the right vfe oftheSacraments tocuery faith_ full receiuer : for in.the Sacraments wee mutt confiderarch- . tionand corrèfpondenciebetweene the outward fignes and things fignified:as therfore the Minifler Bothoffer and giue, and I receiueandBate the outward fignesofbread and wine; ,fo am Ias certainely to beleeuethat Goddothoffer andgiue, ,and that I doe receiue and feede vpon Christ Iefus andall his .bcnefits,with the band.andmouthoffaith,vnto the nourifh- jugofrnyparticular fouleto euerlaflinglife, -as mybodie is nourifhed with thefe outward elementsofbreadand wine. Laftlie,theApofile faith, that through faith weehaue en- Ephef.3.t 2. trance vntoCodwithboldnefe and confidence, and thereforeby faith thebelecuer isparticularlie perfwaded of the remifiion ófhis Jiinnes,and ofhis. reconciliation withGod : for with whatboldueffe or confidence can the poore fanner come be- fore God,whois terrified with the threatnings of the Law, with the temptations ofSatan,andwith the-confide-rationof his ovine vnworthineffe_and felfe-guiltineffe; ifheebee not particularlieallured that his curie is borne byChrist, that he is forgiuen thewhole debt ofhis firmes, and reconciled vnto God ? What alluredcomfort can hee receiue, ifheebeleeue that Godhath-eleóted meter andPauland all his Church, if hee benot alto allured that he is in this number.? If a whole Citie fhould rebel and con imit high treafonagainit aPrince, and the Prince fhould fendout a pr9clamatió, declaring that vpon fuchconditions hewould receiue them to tnercie;with whatboldnefle orconfidence can any in be- fore him,ifhe-be not affUred that he bath performed thefe conditions ? But this is our cafe, wee haue rebelled; againíl- God,andheehath.proclaimed in his Gofpell the .pardon of our firmes; fo wee layholdvpon Christ by a_true and liuely faith,andrepent vs ofourffinnes; Iftherfore we couldnot be allured that wee haue aliuelie faith and true repentance,and confequently thatGodsmercifull promifes belongparticu- larly unto vs;wjth what boldnes or confidence-can we come before