.A o3 7hat liemay ee affuredofour election, all thegracious promifes oflife and faluation made in him, arc particularlyapplied to the partie baptized ; and therfore theApofile faith,-that all thatare baptized into Chriflhaue 'Gallath.3.27. put on Chrifl,Gal.3.27.where theApoflle compareth Chriíl to a garment,`\hick by the hand of faith is put on by euery particularbeleeuer. So in the adminiflration of the Lords Supper,thebread andwine is particularlie deliuered vntoall the communicants,to fignifie unto them,that.eueryone who firetcheth forth the hand of faith doth receiue Chrifl and all his benefits,whereby his foule is nourifhedvnto euerla-. fling life. Whofoeuer therfore hath faith,he maybe affured that hereceiueth Chrifl;andwhofoeuer receiueth Chrifl, he maybe affuredofhis election and faluation ; for to as many as Iohn r.x . receiue him,to themhegiuethpower to be thefonnes ofGod : and who are thofe ? euen thole that beleeue in hisname, as it is Iob. Iohn 6.54 47. LT2. Andwhoroeuereates hisfiefl) anddrinkes his bloodhall eternalllife,as our Sauiour faith,Ioh.6.54. Now ifwewould know howwe feede vponhim,it is by the mouth offaith,as he expoundeth himfelfe,verf.47. 4.Se8.8. Fiftly,whatfoeuer weare bound to pray for; thatwe may The fifth argu- be alluredof,náywe ought fledfaflly to beleeue that we fhal ment taken receiue it :and this is euident,I.Ioh.5.i4.This is the affurance from prayer, that wee haue in him, that ifwee aske any thing according tohis 1.1°'. willhe hearethvs. 15. And i fwe know that he heareth vs what- focuer weaske,weeknot that wee haue the petitionsthat wehaue defredofhim.And theApofile lameswouldhauevs to aske i, Ivlatth.6.is. faith without wauering,that is,not doubting to receiue that we aske. But weeare taught to pray for the remiflìon ofour fins: and therefore weeare certainly tobeleeue that our finnes are remitted,andconfequentlie that we are iufliñed, called, ele- Rom,S. ;o. ¿ed,and (hall be faued ; for whom hedidprebfitinate,thern alfa he called,andwhomhecalled,themalfo he íufifted, andwhomhee ittftified,them al(s heglorií ed, as it is Rom.8.3o, Sixtly,whatfoeuer weprofeffe in the Articles ofour faith, The fìxth argu- that we fhould beleeue,andofthat we may andought parti- nnent taken cularlie tobe allured:but cuery man profeffeth that he belee- from the eon- ueth the retaiflion offinnes and life euerlaflinc, that is, that Monofour the Lord Bothnot onelie forgiue finne, and graunteth vnto faith, Tome