4. Thatwe maybeaffuredofourcl Mon; tog 'fotrte.the fruition ofeuerlafling lift, for this; the dittels be- leeue as well as we,butalto thathe dothparticularly forgiue me my finnes,and thathe will make me an heire of eternall happineffe : for this is the natureoffaith,toafirevs certain- Iie and particularlie of that which we beleeue, as we.haue (hewed; and therefore we ought particularly to beaffured of- the remiffionofour finnes,and that wee fhall attaine unto e- uerlafling life,and confequently that wee areeleóìed,feeing noneenioy it butGods chofen. But it maybe obieeled,that ifeuerie one bee bound to beleeue as an article ofhis faith that his fins are forgiuen,and that hee is an heireofeuerla- .. fling life,then force arebound tobeleeue that which is falfe, for thofewho liue and die in their fins without repentance, fhall neuer obtaine either theone or the other. I anfwere, that wee arenot boundto beleeue, being deflitute ofa true and a liuelie faith, for this were rather fondlie to prefittnc, than furely tobee perfwaded ofthepromifes ofthe Gofpell, but wee are frflbound tohaue a true liuelie and iuflifyiná faith,and fo tobeleeue andapplievinoour felues thepronti- fes oftheGofpell; but thofe that liuc in their finneswithout repentance, theyarc altogetherdeflitute oftrue faith,which whcrefoeuerit is purifieth the heart, and worketh by loue, moouing the beleeuer to endeuour and flrine tomortifie his corruptions, and to rife from the death offinne tonewneife oflife : and thereforewell may theyfecurelie prefume,butit is impotfible that they fhould trulybelecue,becaufe theyare vtterlie deflitute ofa liuelie faith,and where the caufe is not the effe6I cannot follow :andconfequently for their infideli- tie they arc fubieÌ to eternall plagues and punifhmenrs, be- caufe they doenot that which they are bound to perforate. Neithermull we think that cuery kind offaith,or rather eue- rie fond perfwafionoffaith is enioynedvs,but fuch a faith as is grounded vpon Gods word; but the word ofGod doth teach vs,that rrho'euer limein thefleJh cannot plusfe God,andif11°111-8A13' the lime after the f efhwefhalldie,Rom.8.8. i 3. That the vnr'{h- L' C°"6.9. teamsfhall notinherit the hingdome o fClod, i.Cor.6.9.That the workersofiniquitiefliafiliereieb ledofChrif, Matth.8.23. And Mar.7.23. that no vncleane thing,stortvhatfoeuer rrorketh abomination and Reuel. 2t.27. P lies