Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

iohn =.t S. and 16.8.9. 2ro That:emay6e a f Bredofour eletl:om liesfaall enterinto thekngdame orhearten, Reucl.21.27. And therefore thofc who hue in the flesh, thofe whoare workers ofiniquitie, vnrighteousand vncleane,in which ranke are at thofe who liue in their fins without repentance, fulfillingthe kitsofthe flefh,and falling-continually into finne with plea- lure and delight,are not bound fiinplic and abfolutely tobe- leeue, fo long as they refolue to continue in this (late, for fa íhouldtheybe boundto beleeue that which is falfe and re- pugnant toGods word ; but they are bound to hauea true faith,which being wrought in their hearts wil moue them to forfake their firms by vufained repentance, to hungerafter righteoufhes, to endeuour to fcrue the Lord inholineffe and newneflè of life, and fo beleeue in Chrif+ as their Sauiour and Redeeemer,which fruits ifourfaith bring notfoorth,we cannot be affured that we haue true faith,or do truly beleeue. For though in nature faith be before repentance,yet in our fcnfeand feeling italwaies followeth it : neither doth faith euer foundly and truly perfwade vsofGds loue,til we haue sorrowed forour finnes, andat leaf+ in purpofe ofheart haue forfaken them. So that whofoeucrliueth(fill in his fins with pleafure anddelight, and yet beleeueth that he is eledcd to faluation, and that he is inGods fauour,and(hall continuing in this (late be made an heire ofeternall life,hc is not induct' with true faith, but with fond pre(ïtmption and carnali fecu- rity,which maketh him to beleeue that which is falleand re- pugnant toGods word. Though then all men,euen carnall worldlingsand reprobates are bound to belceue,andbecaufe theydoenot, are4ubie61 to condemnation, as committing a great and fearefull finne as appcareth loh.3 . r. 8- .and i 6.8.9. where our Sauior faith, that theholyGhoflJhowldreproue the worldofmn;ie,becuufe theybeleeue not in him : yct theyare not bound tobeleeuecontinuing in their worldlineífe,and refol- ning togoo on in their finnes, for fuch a faith werebut fond prefumption ; but they are boundfó tobeleeue as that thcir faith maybegrounded uponGods word, which it can neuer poffibly be ifit be fettered front true repentance,and for want ofthis faithxhey arecondemned.. CHAP.,