Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

That fpritaureth vtofeter 221 CHAP.. VIII. 7'helaf argurnentgroundedupon the tefisno- '1Zie o fGods f irit. Af}lie,whatfoeuer the Spirit ofGoddoth tef}ifie in 4 Sea. i the heart and confcicnce ofaman, and doth fullie affure him thereof, thathe is tobeleeue,andofthat he ought vndoubtedly to beaffured,: but the Spirit of Cod cloth te(lifie to the faithful', and doth fullie affure them that they are thefonnes-ofGod by adoption andgrace, and con- fequentlic thatthey are elc6}ed ; for none are the fonnes of Godbut thofe who are predef}inate tobeadopted through Iefus Chrif}, as it is Ephef.i.5. and therefore the faithful are Ephcf. i.2. to beleeue, andought vndoubtedlie tobe affured that they are the Tonnes ofGodele&ed to euerlaf}ing life. Theprop-- fìtion ismanifef}; for whatmore certaine truth can be ima- gined,than that which the Spirit ofGodwitneffethveto our spirits, and confirmethvino vs, feeing all the properties re- quired in a trucwitnefle, doeconcurre inhim in thehighea degree, namelie knowledge, truth, and faithfulneffe? for knowledge hee isinfinit and knowcth all things,euen thee- ternall councell,anddecree ofGodconcerningour eleion, asappeareth Theftrit fearcheth allthtn -s euen,a thedeepe thtngs ofGod ; and thisfpirit doe wee recesue that Wee "nay knoll, the things that are piuen to vsofGod.As it is verf.. t 2. What fitter w itucffe therefore canbee imagined in this re- fpea thanGods Spirit,whowholly and onlyknolveth al his secret counfailes ? In refpeél oftruth hee is moll true, yea truth it felfe, and in regarde hereof hee is called the fpirit oftrothwhich leadeth vs intoall truth. lob.' 6.1 3 . And there- Iohn fore as in refpeSt of his knowledge hee cannot bee decei- ued,fo inrcfpe&ofhis truthheecannot deceiuejn.refpeaof faithfiilneffe hee is moll faithfull and iu.if in alibiswaies,Pfal. Pf3lm.r45 17. 145.17. 1.Cor.9. efpcciallie in his word; for his toitmonie r.Cor.t,9. isforeas it is, Pfal. t 6.7. and thereforehecannot lie,neither Plalm.19.7. will hee conceale the truth for any tefpeCI of perfOns; and P 2 confequently