Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

That Gods fpi- rit trftifrctb that we are the tönnes of God. P,om.2 45' .16, ái 2 7" at ÿódsf j;irit affureth vsofcur el&6tio r. confequentlie whatfoeuer this al-knowing true and faithfull witneffe teíiifieth, weeare vndoubtedlie tobeleeue as being molt lure and certaine. If=Angell fent from heauen fhould° affare vs from God that wee are eleed, euen the Papifis themfelues couldnot denie, but that wee might bee allured thereofby fuch a reuelation without any manner. of doub- ting : but the tef }imonie ofGodsSpirit witnef1ìng toour fpi- rits that we are the fonnes ofGod, is fomuch more certaine and without exception than the teílimonieofAngels,as the Spirit ofGodbetter knoweth the.. counfels ofGod thanAn-. gels, as it excelleth themin truthand faith, as the tef}imo-. nie which is imprinted, in theheart is more firme then that which is fpoken in the eare, which may eafiliebe forgotten. And therföre ifby their doeirine we might be affured ofour ele&ionby the extraordinarie reuelationofan Angell; then much more certainely mayweebeeaffuredhereofby theor- dinarie teiliinonie ofGodsSpirit whichhe.witneffeth in the hearts and consciencesof the faithfull. The propofition being manifea,letvsprooue the affump- tion; which containeth two branches; firfithat the fpirit of God te(lifieth to our fpirits,that we are the fonnes of God; and fecondlie Both fullie affure vs ofthis teflimonie thatit is tnaf} vndoubted true ; both which are manifefi by. Gods word. Fir(' that Gods Spirit giueth this teflimonie in the hearts of the faithfull,it is euidentRom.8.i 5.16. Forye haue not receiuedthefpirit ofbondaáe tofeareagain , but yehaue re- reiued thefpirit ofadoptionlvherebÿ irecrreabba father:thefame fpirit bearerhwitne/feunt&ourfp:rit, that ive are the children of God. So Ga1.4.6. Becaufeyearefonnes ,Godbathfeet forth the fpirit o fhisfonintoyour hearts whichcriethabba father. Which places doe foeuidently proue thispoint, thatthere needs no more reafons or allegations; forfiat he excluded' the fpirit of bondage, which like the Papif}s faith caufethvs to feare and doubt of our eleo`lion and faluation; and then bee tel- lethvs that wee haue receiued the fpirit ofadoption, which beareth witneffevntQ our fpirit that wee are the childrenof God. Scondly,bccäufeWeAre exceeding weakc and thegraces r.