Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

That-Gods f rritafurethvl °foure`eaion,, 213' in vs fhadowed with imperfe6tions and our faith mixt with doubting: becaufe wee arefamed asyet but by hope,as it is Rom. 2.24.. Andwe walkebyfaithand notby light, as it is 2,Cor. S.. 7. and this our faith is continuallie fhaken with manifold temptations, therefore lefi Ns'ee fhoulddoubt of Gods loue and our ele6tion,adoption and faluation, the Lord bath giuenvs his fpirit to kale, and further to confirme thisaffu- rance in our hearts;andthat it might be anearnfi and aTitre pledge vntovs, whereby he might fccure vs concerning the aouenant whichhe hathmadewith vs. The truth hereofap- peareth inmanic places of the Scripture. 2.Cor.r.22, Who =.Cor.r.i$. hath f aled vs and bathgiuen the earneft of the [pint in our hearts. SoEphef. t .13. Inwhom alfoye have trufled,after that Ephef.r. i heheard the wordo ftruth,eue» theGofpelofonrfaltsation,uber- inalfoafter thatyebeleeuedyewerepealedwith the holy; pirit of promif . t 4. Which is theearnfl ofourinberitance,vntillthere- demption o fthepefeffionprchafed vnto thepraife ofhis glorie. And Ephef.4.30. the Apof}le cxhorteth vs not to grieue the Ephef.4.30. holiefpirit ofGod, by n hom1be arePealedvnto the dayo feur re- demption. And 2.Cor.5.5. he faith that Godbathgirsen vnto z.Cor.;.S. vs the carnejiof hisfpirit. Which words doe miniffer vnto euerie faithfull man no finall confolation, ifthey bee rightlie waied; for fiat wee vfe to feale thofe things which we would haue mot+ certaine and out ofall controuerfie; as when a man hath made a pro- mile or couenant with another, for his better fecuritie hee doth commit it to writing, and left yet there fhouldanie fcruple or doubt ref+ in his mind, he doth confirme it by addinghis Peale, to put the matter out ofall quefiion ; fo the Lord bath added to the Witten couenant ofhis word,where- by bee hath affured vs of our eleuion,adoption and falua- tion, the outward Peale of the Scraments; and the inward feale ofhis Spirit,whereby hee hathratified it, not in it felfe, but in our hearts, that fo all caufeofdoubting being taken away,weemight certainelie bee alluredofhis promifes, that theybelongvntovsnot after a generall manner as the Pa- pith teach, but particularlie euen as this-aflurance is par- ticularliefealedby Gods Spirit in the heart ofeuery true be- P 3 leeuer,