'214 7hat_CodrfPritaffureth vsof our elePfion. $á211.4.t1. leeuer,Rom.4.11. The end therefore vk'hywee are íèaled td faluationbyGods Spirit, is not thatwe fhould doubt there- of, but thatit mightbe out ofall fqueffionfullie ratified and confirmed vntovs:for.this is figrified by this metaphor here vfedofPealing, as:may. appease not onelie by the ordinarie: cutlomeamongf} vs, but alfo by the vie thereof in former times.Sò when Aha/huerofbwouldhaue letters written in the Kingsname, which noman might reuoke,he commandeth Heti 8.8. that they fhould be foaled with the Kings ring.Hefl.8.8.And gDß.. Ioh.6.27. it is faid that God the fatherhadfealedour Saviour Chri/1, that is, confirmed hint- in his office ofinediation, by gluing euidenttef+irnonies and mantfef+fagnes that the peo- plemight not doubt ofhis calling and anointing, Matth.3; 17.and r7.5.andIoh.r.32. So,whereas the holie Choi} in the faithful! is called the earnefl of our inheritance, this miniflreth vnto euerie true belecuer no finall confolation, nor doubtful! affurance of his faluation; forweknow that an carnet+ is giuen atnongfI men to ratifie andbind a bargaine,-f5 as they cannot goe from their agreement afterearnefi is giuen and receiued.The wordarrhabo,vvhich is here trdílated carne(+, hath altoother fignifications which minitter veto Gods fäithful1ones the Otn. 38.27.18. fame.affuranceand the like truecomfort; Gen.38.17.18.this word is Vied tofignifie apledge or pawne, than the which there canbee no better affurance ofperforming promife; LKing.14,14 and 2.-King.14.14. it fignifieth a hot+age giuen inwarres; which is biuen for affurance to cotifirme couenants agreed vpnn. Whereas therfore Gods fpirit in the faithful! is called arrbaho, which Ggnifi-cth an earneffpawne andhoflage.:-we arehereby afhured that the Lord will performehis couenant betweenevs andhim ; that he will not miffe a day in the per.. furtningofhispromife; that-howfocuer wee were enemies; yetnowbeing reconciledby the deathofhisforme, hehath giuen vs an hoflage to affttre vs ofeternall peace, euen his hohe fpirit. And therefore let notSatan nor all his afliflants caufe vs todoubt ofGods coueuant,wherein hehathallured vs of our election, adoption, and faluation; feeing he hath foaled this couenant with his fpirit; and hathgiuenunto vs this : 4111111111ii